
Category: Dollhouses (Page 11 of 27)

Master bedroom floor and railing

Continuing the Victorianna roof project, I cut holes for the second pair of skylights in the small slanted section of the roof. Then Geoff cut me a flat roof piece from from a scrap of 1/4″ plywood left over from a house project. I messed up the measurements the first time so he had to […]

Victorianna – rough chimney and skylights

Gorgeous weather today, and Rosy was very happy to lie in the dirt while I worked on the Victorianna. Having assembled the towers, I moved on to the small peaked roof. Normally the Victorianna’s top floor has two triangular sections, with the roof dipping down to floor level in between them. I added a piece […]

Victorianna exterior progress

I’ve been working on the Victorianna’s upstairs bay windows exteriors so I can finish the upstairs porch. This is the same process I did with the downstairs bays, and I finished those in one weekend, but work on the upstairs bays has been dragging out for months. Maybe it’s not as exciting now that I’ve […]

Half scale windchime tutorial

Another year, another swap with the Half Scale Yahoo Group. This year’s theme was “On the Porch” and I made windchimes. The swap had nearly 40 participants this year and I made the windchimes in an assembly line over Christmas while watching the Double Fine Adventure documentary. My eyes were crossing by the end! If […]

Potting soil from a circular

Haven’t had much time for minis lately, but here’s a quick post. I wanted to add a bag of potting soil to the spring portion of the four seasons roombox and have been watching the weekly circulars for an appropriate graphic. Apparently spring has sprung. I cut out the Miracle Gro potting mix photo for […]

Brackets from JMG Miniatures

I haven’t done anything with the Victorianna since October when I worked on the porch. I wasn’t happy with the sunburst brackets, especially at the short ends. I thought it might look better to use brackets that curve inward, so they form an arch when they’re so close together. Right around this time I placed […]

Half scale umbrella drink

This week I went to Dollhouses Trains and More hoping to find an iced tea or lemonade set to use in the summer lounge chair scene. They didn’t have anything like that in half scale, but they did have this tropical drink. It’s a bit elaborate for lazy summer lounging, but it was too cute […]

Dandelions and summer lounging

Of the four seasons, the summer portion of my rotating roombox started out with the least obvious theme. Spring has flowers, fall has leaves, and winter has snow… what about summer? I gave the grass dead patches, but besides that there isn’t anything obvious about the base scene that really differentiates it from spring. I’ve […]

Spring planter

My original plan for the spring portion of the four seasons roombox was to make a flowerbed along the wall. Once the scenes were laid out there wasn’t a lot of space for that, plus I would have needed to carry over the flowerbed into the other months, which I didn’t want to do. Instead […]

Christmassy plants and a new cat

I’m not doing anything Christmas-related this year — no decorating, no gifts, nothing. I don’t mean to be a Grinch, but it’s really started to bug me how for the entire month of December (and even some of November!) the holiday is foisted on people whether they like it or not. You can’t watch TV […]

Autumn leaves

There are a lot of leaf punches available for scrapbooking but they’re usually too big for dollhouse stuff, especially half scale. I went on a hunt for alternatives and found punches for tiny leaves at a European store named Green Stuff World. They have supplies for wargaming miniatures that can be used for dollhouse landscaping, […]

Let it snow!

(I live in California, so I can flippantly say “Let it snow!” on Thanksgiving without the risk of it actually happening…) With the bushes finished, I can move forward with landscaping the four seasons roombox. Today I added snow to the winter scene. It was fun! Maybe not quite as fun as playing in the […]

Four seasons bushes and mailboxes

My goal with the four seasons roombox is to show the same scene as if it’s progressing through the year. There isn’t a ton of space for landscaping, but the front door has space next to it for a bush. I’ve made bushes before by covering round prickly things out of a jar of potpourri […]

Half scale kitchen mishmash

Donna Golden (jbresr on the Greenleaf forum) recently posted that she was looking for furniture to fill up half scale houses she’s donating for the holidays, and I sent her a few Town Square Miniatures sets that didn’t think I’d ever use. Most of this I’d gotten for free off Freecyle, plus there was a […]

Miniature snowman tutorial (half scale)

I’m waiting for something to come in the mail before I can continue with the four seasons roombox. In the meantime, here’s a tutorial for a 1:24 scale snowman. Supplies needed: Wood balls: 3/4″ and 1″ diameter Pin or thin wire Tiny pebbles (or something else) to make eyes, nose, and buttons A few sprigs […]

Victorianna porch trim

At long last, the Victorianna’s porch is becoming real. (To see how we got to this point, check out my posts about the porch modifications, porch progress, and bay window exteriors.) I modified the porch to have a flat roof rather than a slanted one. In theory, this would have slipped neatly into a slot […]

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