
Category: Dollhouses (Page 17 of 27)

Half scale accessories

I love the detail accessories add to a mini scene but don’t usually have the patience to make my own. That’s why I love participating in the Half Scale Yahoo Group‘s annual swap — I end up with dozens of accessories that I theoretically could have made myself, but never would. I just found homes […]

Half scale kitchen canisters tutorial

For the second year in a row I participated in the Half Scale Yahoo Group swap. Last year the theme was “treasures in the attic” and I made record albums. This year the voting was very close between “shabby chic” and “kitchens” and since I have several kitchens that need to be filled up, that […]

My second Shapeways experience

Satisfied with my last experience shopping at Shapeways, I placed another order a few weeks ago. Pretty Small Things had just added some office type furniture to their shop including a file cabinet, which is an item I’d been wanting for the Rosedale’s home office. While I was at it I also ordered an industry […]

Gull Bay shingles

A few weeks ago, when Geoff helped me cut holes for the dormers I’m adding to the Gull Bay, I had him cut rectangles. The Houseworks front-opening Victorian, which I have in my stash, uses the same kind of dormer and it comes with a rectangular hole, so I figured that was the way to […]

Gull Bay walls, floors, and an impromptu fireplace

Since the Gull Bay is enclosed and the inside will mostly be viewed through the windows, I wanted to keep the interior light and simple so it’s easy to see the furniture. I decided to use bright white scrapbook paper for the best possible illumination inside. I’ve never been very good at papering dormers. Initially […]

Gull Bay plug-in lights

In a continuation of the easiest electricity ever, I added the ceiling lights to the downstairs rooms of the Gull Bay cottage. Normally with a ceiling light I would snip off the plug, drill a small hole in the ceiling, and run the wire to the floor above. But with the Gull Bay I wanted […]

Easiest electricity ever

After my not so great experience(s) adding lights to the Queen Anne Rowhouse, I swore I’d never electrify another dollhouse again. But since the Gull Bay is enclosed on all four sides, it would be impossible to see inside through the windows without lights. Luckily it’s a smaller house, and the way it’s constructed made […]

Gull Bay – paint and dormers

With the Rosedale 99% finished and the Rowhouse done except for shingles and a few other finishing touches, I gave myself permission to move onto a new mini project. I bought the Gull Bay Cottage about a year ago on eBay. It’s a half scale house based on the Millie August “pull apart” houses that […]

Rosedale – finishing up interior trim

This is kind of a boring topic but I feel like I skipped over a step in documenting my final days on the Rosedale. Over the last month or so I got in all the windows and added some trim below the wallpaper borders that I think makes a big difference. So, here are those […]

L-shaped desk for Rosedale home office

When I built the Rosedale, I planned to make the smaller room on the first floor into a laundry room, but when I pulled out the house at the beginning of this year to do the finishing touches, I decided to turn it into a home office instead. I’d originally intended to have two bathrooms […]

Rosedale bathroom

I’ve been working on the Rosedale’s bathroom, starting with building a vanity out of basswood. I glued square pieces on the inside corners to support the corners. The stain is Minwax ebony. I got the idea to make this vanity from a leftover piece from rowhouse kitchen kit. This was supposed to be the front […]

Redoing the Rosedale kitchen

On HGTV they’re always saying that kitchens and bathrooms are where you should spend your renovation money for good resale value. And that’s where I’m focusing my efforts on the Rosedale right now… not for resale or anything, just because I sort of hate doing miniature bathrooms, and the kitchen has been in limbo for […]

The Ingalls family at home

Back in October, I ordered a custom set of Ingalls family dolls from Prairie Crocus Studio on Etsy. These are for my half scale Little House in the Big Woods cabin, and the family came with beautifully detailed Ma, Pa, Laura, and Mary dolls… no Carrie, but I figured a half scale baby would be […]

Rosedale final trim

The Queen Anne Rowhouse is almost finished, and as usual when I get *almost* finished with a dollhouse, my thoughts are straying ahead to the next one. In December I lucked out on an Elizabeth Anne kit on eBay. I’m itching to start on it but am making myself wait until I put the finishing […]

Everything but the kitchen sink

The rowhouse kitchen has been mostly done for a couple of months. Today it’s *almost* mostly done — all that’s left is the sink! (As a reminder, this kitchen is a bashed SDK Miniatures modern kitchen kit. My earlier kitchen posts are here, here, here, and here.) My recent progress started with gluing in the […]

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