
Category: Dollhouses (Page 24 of 27)

Teeny, tiny plants

My mom and I made these mini plants yesterday. The two in the terra cotta pots will go in the half scale conservatory she’s working on, and the arrangement in the vase is for either my Fairfield or my puzzle house, haven’t decided yet. We bought the orchids, roses, pots, and vase at Dollhouses, Trains, […]

Puzzle house finished!

Today I finished up the shingling and glued the porch pieces in place. Woo! I’m not thrilled with the placement of that upstairs window. The peak of the gable was too narrow to put the window any higher but now that the porch roof is in, it looks really off center. I’m wondering if I […]

Review: Quicker Wicker half scale settee kit

With my puzzle house almost finished, I’m now thinking about how I want to furnish it, and got started yesterday with a Quicker Wicker settee kit for the living room. I bought this from Miniatures.com (along with a chair kit), but a quick Google search reveals that they can also be purchased directly from the […]

To the lighthouse…

Yesterday Geoff and I went to Point Reyes and saw the lighthouse there, because randomly taking a day trip to experience the local touristy fauna is the sort of thing you can do when you don’t have a regular nine-to-five job. There are 308 steps leading down to the lighthouse. Walking down was not a […]

Back to work on the puzzle house

After a month’s break, I started working on my puzzle house again yesterday. With the shingles done, the next big task is the porch. I started by adding trim to the front corners of the house, where the siding doesn’t quite meet. I used 90-degree corner trim and painted it the same color as the […]

A couple of half scale projects

I’ve been woefully neglectful of my puzzle house these past few weeks (those shingles took a lot out of me!), but I do have a couple of smaller half scale projects to show off. I scratch built these ladderback chairs using 2-inch Houseworks spindles and strip wood. I got the idea for the woven seats […]

Plants large and small

As previously mentioned, it took a good three months for my pepper plants to bear fruit. Two months later, they’re finally turning the bright colors you see at the grocery store. The red serrano peppers are pleasantly spicy. The orange habaneros are a little… less pleasant. So now the race begins… how many hot pepper […]

Shingles complete (mostly)

The front and back roofs and gable are shingled. I still have to do the porch roof but that requires building the porch first. I also repainted the windows and doors with a Glidden shade named Sandy Feet, and I’m much happier with it! The shingles turned out surprisingly well, considering they’re made from siding […]

Aw, shingle!

My grandmother used to say “Aw, sugar!” in front of me, instead of swearing. Today I say “Aw, shingle!” because I seriously hurt myself with the glue gun earlier. I was gluing shingles on my puzzle house and got a huge glop of hot glue on the back of a shingle. I went to throw […]

Puzzle house, with paint!

A couple of months ago, Glidden did a promotion where you could get a quart of paint for free, no strings attached. (Well, you had to give them your address so they could send you the paint. Seemed like a fair trade.) I ordered Belgian Waffle, a perfectly nice peachy color, but somehow in the […]

Puzzle house, day 3

Today I finished putting together the structure (minus the roof) and applied all the siding. Wasted a ton of blue painter’s tape, but with good results! Thank god for paint cans and those little pinchy things… Lo and behold, I have a little house! It seems weird to me that part of the main roof […]

Puzzle house, day 2

I’m loving how easy this house is to put together! This morning I poked around at Michael’s and Dollhouses, Trains, and More, looking for scrapbook paper or wallpaper for the inside of the cottage. Nothing caught my eye and I decided to move forward with assembly and worry about the inside later. I have some […]

1:24 scale puzzle house – first steps

I’ve started putting together a half-scale “puzzle house” by Creatology. Michael’s started carrying these kits in the spring and apparently stopped carrying them at some point over the summer, because they’ve become impossible to find. When they had them, the kits sold for $7.99—and of course, I never go to Michael’s without a 40% coupon […]

When is a hutch not a hutch?

When it’s a bed, of course! Michael’s sells these great hutches for a dollar a piece. There are a few different styles, but apparently the one I used to make this bed isn’t available anymore (I’ve had a few in my stash for years). Earlier this week there was some conversation on the Greenleaf forum […]

Recent dollhouse updates

The exterior of the Fairfield is finished! (Well, mostly.) Take a look at the fishscale shingles and finished sections to see the latest pictures. I’ve also posted some pictures of my mini workshop in the garage of our new (life-sized) house, and my long sought-after Tomy Smaller Homes dollhouse.

Tomy Smaller Homes Dollhouse

The Tomy Smaller Homes dollhouse (also known as “Smaller Home and Garden”) is a split-level ranch that looks a lot like the Brady Bunch house from the outside, with a distinctive 1970s style to it. I never had one of these as a kid and don’t remember any of friends having one, either. In fact, […]

My mini workshop

In January 2009, Geoff and I moved into a new house that has a basement room perfect for a dollhouse workshop. In fact, the very first time we saw the house, I was envisioning my minis in there! It was a bit of a mess for the first several months after we moved in, but […]

Fairfield – finished!

After years (literally) of letting my Fairfield languish in an almost-done state, I have put on the finishing touches! (On the outside, anyway.) Siding and shingles are all up, trim has been attached, porch posts have been glued in. Okay, there are a few things that remain to be done… like the upper porch railing, […]

Fairfield – fishscale shingles

On the suggestion of my friend Pam Junk, I decided to add fishscale shingles to make the house a little more interesting. (They’ll also cover up some defects in the less-than-perfect paint job…) Rather than use the Houseworks wooden shingles, which come as individual pieces, I am cutting strips from posterboard. These will be glued […]

Oak Shadow Roombox

In February 2006 I took a two day Guys from Texas class at a local dollhouse store. It was my first experience taking a class and I had a great time, particularly because the roombox was pretty much finished when I brought it home. This is largely due to all the prep work the “Guys,” […]

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