
Month: July 2009

Miami Law review

My review of Miami Law has been posted at Adventure Gamers. Sorry to say I didn’t like it very much. The story was weak, the characters generic, and the game relied too much on tedious dialogue and repetitive timed mini-games, with too little enjoyable gameplay to carry it. On the plus side, it comes with […]

Oh, customer service…

I had an unexpectedly pleasant experience at Safeway a couple of weeks ago. I was buying falafel mix and decided to buy it in bulk rather than in a box because the per-pound cost came out a little cheaper. When I got to the register, the falafel rang up at a higher per-pound price than […]


When my parents visited in April, my mom set me up with a little victory garden: cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, basil, parsley, cilantro, and dill. Three months later, the herbs have gone to seed and the peppers are only producing flowers, but the tomatoes are growing out of control! I’m snacking on these beauties constantly. […]

Recent dollhouse updates

The exterior of the Fairfield is finished! (Well, mostly.) Take a look at the fishscale shingles and finished sections to see the latest pictures. I’ve also posted some pictures of my mini workshop in the garage of our new (life-sized) house, and my long sought-after Tomy Smaller Homes dollhouse.


Figuring out how to use WordPress feels kind of like figuring out how to use Geocities felt back in 1996. And considering my html skills are still of the Geocities era, this may not bode well for the future…

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