
Month: October 2009

Scribblenauts, as reviewed by me

Adventure Gamers has just posted a feature I wrote about Scribblenauts, a unique game that released this fall for Nintendo DS. I don’t really remember the big uproar Scribblenauts received at E3 this year. I was closed up in a small meeting room most of the time demoing Telltale’s Tales of Monkey Island, which had […]

What did we do without the internet?

I vaguely remember this commercial from my childhood, I think it was for the Yellow Pages. It showed a car driving down the road, with disco music playing in the background, and talked about how you’re on your way to get a funky refrigerator for your funky new apartment, and it’s only available at some […]

A couple of half scale projects

I’ve been woefully neglectful of my puzzle house these past few weeks (those shingles took a lot out of me!), but I do have a couple of smaller half scale projects to show off. I scratch built these ladderback chairs using 2-inch Houseworks spindles and strip wood. I got the idea for the woven seats […]

Scott Adams profile in GamesTM issue 88

The current issue of GamesTM magazine (issue 88) has a profile piece I wrote about Scott Adams, the developer of the very first commercial adventure games. Since the magazine is only available in the UK, I haven’t seen it yet, which is driving me crazy. Infocom and Sierra are usually credited as being the pioneers […]

Plants large and small

As previously mentioned, it took a good three months for my pepper plants to bear fruit. Two months later, they’re finally turning the bright colors you see at the grocery store. The red serrano peppers are pleasantly spicy. The orange habaneros are a little… less pleasant. So now the race begins… how many hot pepper […]

Shingles complete (mostly)

The front and back roofs and gable are shingled. I still have to do the porch roof but that requires building the porch first. I also repainted the windows and doors with a Glidden shade named Sandy Feet, and I’m much happier with it! The shingles turned out surprisingly well, considering they’re made from siding […]

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