
Month: November 2009

NaNoWriMo: The End…?

As of this morning, my NaNoWriMo word count is 45,458. I’m right on schedule for hitting 50,000 words by Monday. There’s just one problem: I don’t know how the novel ends. It’s definitely getting there. About two-thirds of the way through I hit that “point of no return,” the crisis moment where the story has […]

Is there a support group for this?

A sampling of my closet collection. SimCity 2000 is one of the few boxes from my childhood that I didn’t throw away; the rest were picked up at thrift stores. Old game boxes. Oh, how I love them. The hand-painted artwork on the outside, the manuals and trinkets and registration cards inside, the bigness and […]

Puzzle house finished!

Today I finished up the shingling and glued the porch pieces in place. Woo! I’m not thrilled with the placement of that upstairs window. The peak of the gable was too narrow to put the window any higher but now that the porch roof is in, it looks really off center. I’m wondering if I […]

Final harvest (a pickling adventure)

Yesterday I decided it was finally time to put my faithful tomato plants out of their misery. I’m frankly surprised they lived this long, but I guess that’s a benefit of living in California. (It doesn’t balance out the crappy 9.5% sales tax, but what can you do?) The past two months of their lives, […]

Review: Quicker Wicker half scale settee kit

With my puzzle house almost finished, I’m now thinking about how I want to furnish it, and got started yesterday with a Quicker Wicker settee kit for the living room. I bought this from Miniatures.com (along with a chair kit), but a quick Google search reveals that they can also be purchased directly from the […]

To the lighthouse…

Yesterday Geoff and I went to Point Reyes and saw the lighthouse there, because randomly taking a day trip to experience the local touristy fauna is the sort of thing you can do when you don’t have a regular nine-to-five job. There are 308 steps leading down to the lighthouse. Walking down was not a […]

NaNoWriMo update

As of this morning, my NaNoWriMo project is up to 18,714 words—that’s 64 pages. Writing that many pages in just over a week is a pretty amazing feat for me, so I’m excited. The most interesting part of this process has been the routine. Every morning I write a scene or two, usually totaling a […]

Back to work on the puzzle house

After a month’s break, I started working on my puzzle house again yesterday. With the shingles done, the next big task is the porch. I started by adding trim to the front corners of the house, where the siding doesn’t quite meet. I used 90-degree corner trim and painted it the same color as the […]

Nature is gross

The Sunday before Halloween, Geoff and I carved a pumpkin. I haven’t carved a pumpkin in about ten years. We carved a basic Jack-o-Lantern face, with gap teeth and turned down eyebrows. I didn’t want the deer that roam the neighborhood to mess it up so I kept it inside until Saturday morning, when I […]

NaNoWriMo – am I insane?

I’ve considered taking part in National Novel Writing Month for the past few years, but never took the plunge. This year I’m actually going through with it. The goal is to write an entire novel, of at least 50,000 words, between now and November 30. This kind of goes against everything I believe in. When […]

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