
Month: December 2009

Teeny, tiny plants

My mom and I made these mini plants yesterday. The two in the terra cotta pots will go in the half scale conservatory she’s working on, and the arrangement in the vase is for either my Fairfield or my puzzle house, haven’t decided yet. We bought the orchids, roses, pots, and vase at Dollhouses, Trains, […]

Christmas lights, like crazy

This is a house around the corner from ours. These people take Christmas lights to a crazy extreme. The past few weeks, whenever I’m driving home in the dark, I’m so dazzled by these lights I almost miss the turn. A crazy and very festive show of holiday spirit. Here it is from a few […]

What am I missing here?

Yahoo keeps showing me this ad when I check my email. I don’t get it. What does the creepy hair guy have to do with moms going back to school? (I realize I’ve already put more thought into this than it deserves…)

The little speakers that couldn’t

Logitech’s S-120 speakers. Don’t buy them. They’ll only break your heart. In September, with my trusty Dell (circa 2002) on its last legs, Geoff built me a new computer. We bought all of the components from NewEgg, including a pair of Logitech S-120 speakers that cost $14.99. I use my PC for gaming, but my […]

Pickle update

Back in November I picked the rest of my tomatoes and attempted to pickle them. Turns out I kind of screwed it up. For anyone who decides to try pickling at home, don’t mess around with the ingredients. As I learned from some nice people at the GardenWeb forums, when you’re pickling, as a rule […]

I’ve been stumbled… upon

Hey, thank you to whoever Stumbled my website a few days ago. On Saturday my Google Analytics stats went up about a zillion percent. (Many of those visitors quickly departed, but whatever. They were here for a fleeting moment, or two…)

Nature continues to be gross (yet fascinating)

While doing an oil change on my car this afternoon, Geoff discovered that a critter had taken up residence under the hood and gnawed through an ignition wire. (Not sure what you’re looking at? Click here for an establishing shot.) Note the little string nest behind the wires. Apparently some sort of rodent was in […]

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