
Month: January 2011

The Great Rosedale Bash

Last year Greenleaf released a slew of half scale laser cut house kits. I’ve been dying to try them out, but none of the designs really appealed to me. I’m generally not a fan of frilly houses (the Fairfield excepted) so I was eyeing the Rosedale, but I didn’t like that it only had four […]

King’s Quest III “redux” coming in February

This announcement excites me on so many levels. AGD Interactive put out remakes of the first two King’s Quest games in the early 2000s, right around when I was getting back into adventure games after checking out during my college years, during which time the genre up and “died.” I loved that there were fans […]

Infinite possibilities, indeed!

I’ve been limping along on the Infinite Possibilities Porch… mostly because the color choices are driving me crazy. I initially wanted a periwinkle blue house with some kind of peachy trim and a reddish door. Glidden’s color coding led me to believe that all of these colors would work well together. But alas, it was […]

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