
Month: February 2011

Edna & Harvey: The Breakout review

Adventure Gamers has posted my review of Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, an quirky little game from German developer Daedalic. Actually, there’s nothing “little” about it… this is a long game with a ton of gratuitous interactivity crammed into it. But it’s a cartoon with a wacky art style, and you play a mental patient […]

Hands-on preview of Telltale’s Jurassic Park

Man vs. beast. Who do you think will win? Last week I had the chance to play part of Telltale’s upcoming Jurassic Park game. Check out my hands-on impressions at Adventure Gamers. I’m really not a Jurassic Park fan—I only saw the first movie, once, back when it was in theaters—but I’m loving the departure […]

Rosedale dry fit (part 2)

And now… part 2 of the great Rosedale dry fit adventure! Last time I got the first and second floors mostly figured out. Before moving onto the third floor, I decided to add a porch door to one of the small rooms on the second floor, to access the balcony. I thought about bashing the […]

Rosedale dry fit (part 1)

With the Rosedale stairs built, it’s now time to figure out how this house will fit together. I’m calling this “part 1” because I haven’t begun to fit together the new third story and roof yet. For now, here’s the progress I made this afternoon on the first and second floors. No glue yet, just […]

Stairways to nowhere

The Rosedale has a really cute stairway. I like how it has a landing and then turns the corner, and also how the stairs are tucked out of the way, like in a real house. Since I’m bashing two Rosedales together, I have an extra set of stairs, so I decided to add them to […]

Eye on iPhone, volume 2

The second installment of Eye on iPhone is now up at Adventure Gamers. This time around I looked at several “oldies” (the recent Broken Sword rereleases, Riven, and Colossal Cave Adventure) plus and a short-but-sweet new puzzle game named The Secret of Grisly Manor. Colossal Cave Adventure was the first adventure game ever, and I’d […]

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