
Day: April 1, 2011

Rosedale assembly complete!

I finished assembling the Rosedale this week. Before gluing in the third floor and attic, I cut the wallpaper and ceiling pieces that would to go inside. It was much easier to figure out the shapes with the parts unassembled, particularly the angled wings and attic. A few weeks ago, I assembled the big room […]

MacGuffin’s Curse preview at Adventure Gamers

At GDC I got to chat with Andrew Goulding and Ben Kosmina of Brawsome about the Australian studio’s second endeavor, MacGuffin’s Curse. It’s less of a traditional adventure than last year’s Jolly Rover but still looks to be a lot of fun. Think Professor Layton, but with Legend of Zelda style puzzles. Better yet, go […]

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