
Month: November 2011

Fireplace painting tutorial

After painting my Fairfield’s fireplaces, I decided they should both be the same blue color rather than one blue and one green, so I went to the dollhouse store to pick up another blank one. I wasn’t positive that the ones in the store were exactly the same as the ones I had, so I […]

Fairfield fireplaces (finally!)

For years, the Fairfield has had unpainted resin fireplace fronts propped up against the chimney. I got in the mood to decorate the house for Christmas and decided the unfinished fireplaces would never do! I started by making hearths out of a polystyrene brick sheet leftover from when I built the house (I used it […]

“Paper and Discs” in 1UP Presents issue 3

Today I received my copy of 1UP Presents issue 3, a beautiful print-on-demand magazine put together as a labor of love by Matt Leone and others at 1UP. It’s also, sadly, the last issue they’re planning to do. I can sort of understand that because “print is dead” (yadda yadda) and because, by its very […]

Bobbing for Bones: The Sequel

I mainly made this video for Rosy’s grandparents, but after spending an hour getting the music* to sync up I felt like it deserved a wider audience. Hey, we’ll let her think she’s a star. At last year’s Halloween party, the treats floated in the bowl. This year, not so much. The amazing thing is […]

Police Quest behind the scenes in GamesTM 115

Continuing my grand tradition of pimping Sierra games in GamesTM, this month I’ve written a behind the scenes article about Jim Walls’ Police Quest. The issue number is 115, and it should be on newsstands in the UK right now (probably also some US stores, but with Borders out of business I can’t confirm this). […]

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