
Month: October 2012

Flight of the bumblebee

According to Time Magazine, Americans spent an estimated $370 million on pet costumes this Halloween. I am part of the problem. Note to self: flat hats and round heads don’t mix. Like last year’s pumpkin, the costume came from Old Navy. It’s a size small with a few modifications to the velcro and the hat. […]

Rowhouse porch (part deux)

With the downstairs part of the porch finished, I moved on to the top. I wanted to turn this into a balcony, but with something more flamboyant than the usual newel post. This is one of those times that a dearth of half scale supplies caused me to get creative. For the posts, I bought […]

Rowhouse porch

When I bought the Queen Anne rowhouse, it had pillars made out of dowels that were sort of crookedly glued onto the railings. When I pulled these off, bumpy glue spots were left behind on the railings. I sanded them but was left with not-quite-flat railings, and was concerned that the new pillars wouldn’t glue […]

Queen Anne Rowhouse – pretty trim

I’ve been playing around with paint colors for the Queen Anne Rowhouse. I’m trying to keep the colors sort of subtle because that’s what a library book told me to do. (Apparently garish paint schemes are no longer “in” in San Francisco, and I’m not really a fan of garish anyway.) I had some Glidden […]

Rowhouse kitchen ideas

One of the problems I run into with a new dollhouse is that I often get hung up in a chicken-and-egg loop where I think “Well, I can’t do this until I do that, but I can’t do that until I do this other thing…” and then I end up not doing anything. This house […]

Queen Anne Rowhouse week two (and three)

Not much to look at yet, but I have been making slow, steady progress on the Queen Anne rowhouse. The first task was siding. Usually I have sloppy edges because I know they’ll be covered with trim. Since this house has panels that open, I tried really hard to keep the edges that will be […]

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