
Month: November 2012

Chaos on Deponia review at Adventure Gamers

Yesterday Adventure Gamers posted my review of Chaos on Deponia. This is the second game in a series of three. (I reviewed the first one a few months ago.) This is a Monkey Island-style comedy game and it’s stylistically very “old school,” with all those ridiculous types of inventory puzzles we used to love back […]

Fun with Dollar Tree furniture

Now and then, the Dollar Tree has furniture that’s roughly 1:12 scale. (Except for beds, which for some reason are closer to half scale.) It usually comes in an ugly red finish, but recently they started carrying raw wood furniture too. I picked up a few pieces today: two dressers and a sideboard. For something […]

Want to be a hero? Show the Coles some love…

Lori and Corey Cole, the creators of Quest for Glory, have a Kickstarter going to raise money for a new Quest for Glory-like game named Hero-U. For those non Sierra geeks among my readers, Quest for Glory was an RPG/adventure game hybrid that had five installments in the 1990s, and there’s really been nothing like […]

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