
Month: May 2013

Space Quest behind-the-scenes feature in GamesTM issue 135

For the past few years I’ve been chipping away at the Sierra adventure game series for the retro section of UK magazine Games™, and the tradition continues in issue 135 with Space Quest. On newsstands now! The original Guys from Andromeda, Mark Crowe and Scott Murphy (pictured here on vacation in Yosemite), along with “new […]

More rowhouse lights

I bought another light to fix the one with the broken wire. Since I’d already finished the floor above, I needed to come up with another way to hide the wire. I had an idea to glue the ceiling paper to a piece of thin cardboard, pull the wire up through the cardboard, and then […]

Attic progress

About a month ago, I started working on wainscot and flooring in the rowhouse attic. I actually made good progress with it that very weekend, but then hit some unexpected snags that have only now been unraveled. Once again, electricity has proven to be my nemesis. But I’m getting ahead of myself. The stain I’m […]

The Easter chick

Rosy’s Grammy sent a chick toy for Easter. It has metal contacts on the bottom and when you touch both contacts with your finger — or, say, your tongue — it chirps. Not an actual dog toy, but those are always the most fun. Initially, she was somewhat suspicious. But in time she realized that […]

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