
Month: November 2013

Everything but the kitchen sink

The rowhouse kitchen has been mostly done for a couple of months. Today it’s *almost* mostly done — all that’s left is the sink! (As a reminder, this kitchen is a bashed SDK Miniatures modern kitchen kit. My earlier kitchen posts are here, here, here, and here.) My recent progress started with gluing in the […]

Cassidy Creations washstand and fire screen

Since half scale furniture can be hard to come by, I’ve been collecting a lot of Cassidy Creations kits, mostly off eBay. I’m planning to build a bunch of them to go in the almost finished Queen Anne Rowhouse, but these first two might end up in other houses. The first is a washstand that […]

The trouble with hinges

The Queen Anne Rowhouse is my first dollhouse with hinged panels, and all along I’ve been fretting about how to handle them. When I got the house it had shiny brass hinges that were very obvious and the screws didn’t all match, which I hated. I bought some antiqued brass hinges to replace them with […]

Tongue of the dog

Last week Rosy went to the vet for her annual check-up. As usual, she had a mild panic attack at the vet’s office, which resulted in heavy panting, and because her mouth was wide open the vet noticed a couple of cuts that suggested she’d bitten her tongue at some point. The doctor asked me […]

Rowhouse bits and pieces

The Queen Anne rowhouse is very close to finished, and we’ve entered what I think of as the “bits and pieces” phase—there’s lots of fiddly trim work left to do, and I tend to be lazy about doing it. (The Rosedale has been languishing in this state for two years!) All summer, I was putting […]

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