The Den of Slack

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Inmate 103114

Paying homage to her early days at San Quentin, Rosy dressed up as a jailbird — err, jail-greyhuahua — this year for Halloween.

Posing for her mug shot at the Humane Society’s annual Howl-o-ween party. She ain’t afraid of no ghosts.

This was Rosy’s fifth year attending the party, and “bobbing for bones” remains the highlight of the event. Over the years she’s become a real pro. This is a dog who hates the rain and has never so much as dipped a toe in the swimming pool, but when hot dogs are on the line, she’ll dive in face first.

(Past attempts: the original | the sequel)

Music: “Discovery Hit,” Kevin MacLeod (

Another Jackie Deiber pull-apart dollhouse

Last year, I stumbled across a Jackie Deiber pull-apart dollhouse on eBay and snapped it up. I’d never seen one of these before, and haven’t seen one since… until last weekend, when this beauty popped up on eBay.

No, I didn’t *need* it. (Especially not with the Little Belle and Bauder Pine Bill Lankford cottage waiting in the wings, not to mention the free Mary Engelbreit themed Arthur that somehow ended up in my car during a road trip to Portland…) I spent the whole weekend talking myself out of it. But then Monday came, and I got paid for a freelance job, and the money was just sitting there in my PayPal account with these sad, puppy dog eyes…

Err, yeah, anyway, here’s a photo of how the house looks finished:

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Twilight porch vignette in half scale

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Years ago, I started a half scale porch vignette and never finished it. In the interest of finishing up some smaller projects before I dig in on the Little Belle, I completed it over the summer but neglected to post a blog about it until now. Time flies.

Here’s more or less what the porch looked like when I put it aside.

I had also stained some 1:12 siding strips and cut them up to begin shingling the roof.

I put the project aside because I was having a really hard time deciding on a color scheme. Unhappy after several attempts, I went to Home Depot and found two shades of purple that complemented the very light gray siding. Since my windows and doors were caked with many layers of paint by this point, I bought new ones and started over.

Even with the new paint colors in hand, I was indecisive about which should be the main trim color and which the accent color. I started with the lighter purple for the main trim, then promptly changed my mind. I also decided to rip out the skinny stick flooring and redo it with the same gray stain I used for the shingles.

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