The Den of Slack

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Gull Bay – shingles and roof trim complete

With the Gull Bay’s chimneys in, I was able to finish shingling the front of the house.

The seam where the shingles meet is, well, not perfect. Also the rows get kind of crookedy near the top. Eh, I did my best. (Or maybe not my best, but the best I felt like doing. Shingling is tedious and I was tired of it!)

I considered adding one more row of shingles to the top (cut off so they would be spaced like the rest of the rows) but I was running dangerously low, and still had two dormers on the back to finish. I counted how many shingles it had taken to do the first dormer and frantically counted out what I had left. I was four shingles short.

I could have bought another bag but it seemed like a waste of money when I was so close to not needing it, plus staining shingles is messy. I ran down to my workroom and scrounged around for some more shingles that had been discarded when I ripped out my initial attempt at shingling the front gable. I found several with glue on them and a few other clean ones that were just lying around. It pays not to clean up after yourself!

So, I decided to skip another row on the front and do the dormers very carefully. One reason I have trouble shingling angles is that the shingles split easily. I managed, with nine shingles to spare. Whew!

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The Great Mallard Caper

Every year, a mother duck takes up residence in the ivy in our backyard, using the swimming pool as her own personal pond. (Dad pays the occasional visit… they may be monogamous, but sharing a nest is out.) Rosy goes nuts whenever she sees them, and after about six weeks a gaggle of ducklings hatch and end up in the pool, which they’re too small to get out of.

(Last year it actually happened twice. One unlucky mom hatched just one duckling in the middle of the night — took me more than an hour to get it out of the pool in the dark — and the next week a new mom showed up and eventually hatched 12 more. Crazy kids.)

We recently had our pool refinished, and were hoping that the pool being empty for part of February (when the duck couple usually shows up) would deter them. The new concrete deck was finished the last Friday in April, and the very next day the ducks showed up to claim their space.

Right on schedule, this morning the pool was full of ducklings. I happened to get a new camera this week so I took a few videos. They’re, well, not that good. But ducklings come but once a year (um, except for last year), so this is it for 2014.

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Gull Bay – finishing the porch

While waiting for a replacement trim piece to come in the mail, I took a break from the Gull Bay porch to do the chimneys. The chimneys are made from blocks of wood, and get covered with the same vinyl brick sheet as the foundation. Skinny trim pieces go over the corners to cover the seam where the brick sheets meet.

I glued them onto the roof positioning them so they’d back right up to the trim at the top of the roof (or so I thought — my next post will show how I messed this up!), and one shingle’s width from the edge of the roof to make shingling around them relatively painless.

Here they are glued on. Very pink!

The house didn’t come with porch stairs, but it needs them — the porch is way too high for a little person to step onto! — so I made a set out of scrap wood. The idea for how to do this came from the deck I built for the Hillside Victorian.

At the bottom, the wood is slightly taller than the other pieces (so it will clear the top of the foundation trim) and is also set forward slightly, due to the foundation trim.

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