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The Shop by Bauder-Pine

Last month, this cute half scale dollhouse showed up on eBay.

The description attributed the house to Robert Bernhard of Dolphin Miniatures. Curious about it, I reached out to Cathy Miller-Vaughan, the current owner of Bauder-Pine. She started working for Pat Bauder in the nineties, and she knows the names of a lot of people who did half scale in that era.

Not only did Cathy recognize the house, but it turns out it’s a Bauder-Pine house! Here’s what she told me:

Pat and Bob Bernhard decided they wanted to create four houses that were similar and would sit on a shelf. This is the second house. … I think it was 1997, Pat and I went to CIMTA in Vegas and met a gentleman from Sri Lanka who would cut these houses for us. There were, I think, 100 or 125 of each house created. Bob designed and created the prototypes. They came assembled and unfinished. They arrived by truck, a big truck, in wooden crates. It took months for them to arrive. I was the one who had to unload those crates. Good times!

Eventually, only three houses went into production. The windows, doors, staircase, and railings were created in Sri Lanka with the houses. These are not anything you can purchase separately. The roofing with the kit was a plastic sheet of shingles. The roofing on this house, on eBay, isn’t the roofing that came with the house. Also, the chimney wasn’t included in the house kit.

She sent me this newspaper picture of the four buildings. From left to right they’re the Shop, the second building that never went into production, the Market Cross, and the Regent Street.

This Market Cross is owned by Ann Pennypacker. Cathy thought it might be the prototype. I love the curved bay window.

Notice how the quoins are handled — they’re only the front, to allow the hinged panels to open.

This is something I grappled with on the Mansard Victorian. I decided to turn that house’s hinged panels into one standalone panel, so the quoins don’t get in the way of opening the panel, but even if I kept the hinges I’m not sure I would do the quoins this way. It’s fine to only see the quoins from the front if the building is right up against other buildings like it is in the newspaper photo, but on a standalone building it’s a little awkward.

(Don’t get me wrong, it’s still beautifully finished! Just something I noticed.)

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Tracking down Bauder-Pine furniture for the Mansard Victorian

I plan to furnish the Mansard Victorian with as much Bauder-Pine and Cassidy Creations furniture as possible. This means keeping a close eye on eBay, Etsy, and other places where thirty- to forty-year-old half scale miniatures might show up.

(I’ve previously posted about Bauder-Pine furniture here and here, and you can read up on the Cassidy Creations kits I’ve built so far here. I will be building a lot more of them for this house!)

Bauder-Pine produced the Cassidy Creations kits and also sold finished versions. When buying these now, you can tell if it’s a Bauder-Pine piece or a kit finished by someone else from the signature.

I think the part before the year on this one is J McC — Jayne McCormick, who was the main person finishing Bauder-Pine’s kits in the nineties.

A few weeks before Christmas I stumbled across this little cabinet on eBay. Bauder-Pine wasn’t mentioned in the description, but I recognized it as a Cassidy Creations wall cabinet. (I have one set aside for the Mansard Victorian’s bathroom.)

The handwriting on the back of the cabinet doesn’t look like the signatures on my other Bauder-Pine pieces. I showed it to Cathy Miller-Vaughan (Bauder Pine’s current owner) and she said it’s Pat Bauder’s signature. Score!

(Fun story: when the cabinet was shipped out, I kept an eye on the tracking number, and a week later it hadn’t moved from its original location. I was about to contact the seller when she messaged me to say that she’d accidentally sent it to the wrong person! She asked if I wanted to refund the order and forget about it. Not a chance. She sent a shipping label to the person who had received it by mistake, and they sent it on. Thank you, mystery person!)

These days, Bauder Pine mostly sells items that Cathy buys in estates, as well as a small line of new kits. (The Cassidy Creations line was sold off to Kathy Moore, who has since retired.) For several months, I had my eye on this nursery set in the Bauder Pine Etsy store.

I have these same pieces in kit form and was planning to build them, along with a crib, for the Mansard Victorian. But I really liked how these were finished and almost hit the buy button several times.

Then they were gone, as all nice things we don’t buy when we have the chance eventually are, and I asked Cathy if she’d sold them. She wrote back:

The nursery set did sell, about a month ago. It was a set done by Cass Harkins. Cass was a down to earth, funny, sweet woman who cut all the Cassidy kits. I really don’t know how she did it. I would spend time with her at her workshop (the second floor of her home). She was so knowledgeable and could work a scroll saw like no one. She created every jig she needed to mass produce these kits. She would make a gross at a time. She was one of Pat’s workers who stayed in the background and didn’t think anything about what she did for miniatures.

After learning the history, I was disappointed that I hadn’t pulled the trigger — this set would have been perfect in my Bauder-Pine shrine. And then, in an amazing stroke of cosmic synergy, look what showed up on eBay…

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Egg carton quoins

Now that I’ve added 1/2″ of depth to the front of the Mansard Victorian to accommodate the side addition (shown here and here), I need to finish the front edges of those pieces before starting on the inside of the house… which means I need to decide how the house will be finished.

My original idea was to model this house after the real house that the dollhouse is based on, with dark stone and quoins at the corners.

I’m a fan of egg carton stone, but I’ve mostly used it for foundations. It seems bulky for an entire house, compared to the stone on the inspiration house, which is flat and subtle. I also didn’t want my house to be as dark as the original.

As I always do when I’m trying to get ideas for stuff like this, I spent several hours on google looking inspiration. I searched for phrases like “gothic stone house” and “Victorian stone house” and “mansard stone house” and looked at dozens (hundreds?) of pictures.

I can’t remember exactly what search term pulled this one up, but I immediately knew I had a winner.

This is the Emanuel Kahn mansion in Salt Lake City, Utah (more pictures here). The house is now a bed & breakfast with some crazy rooms!

This house caught my eye for several reasons. The egg carton facade won’t be as bulky with bricks as it would with larger stones. The bay window placement is similar (although mine doesn’t have a roof), and the top bay window on this house seems to be a balcony converted into windows, just like mine will be.

The windows coincidentally have the same mullions as the windows I’m using, and the trim under the roof is reminiscent of the trim I picked out to go under my roof.

The Emanuel Kahn house doesn’t have quoins, but its stone trim gives an idea of how quoins will look next to the bricks. And the orangey color of the bricks will go well with the light green paint I’m using inside the house, inspired by these Bauder-Pine furniture pieces.

So now I had to figure out how to make quoins. This front-opening dollhouse originally had two hinged panels, but I removed the hinges and glued the panels together to create one big panel that stands up by itself. The quoins will work better this way, since I don’t have to worry about them interfering with hinges, but they still need to straddle the removable corner.

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