I decided to add stained glass to the two small windows in the Craftsman bungalow. The last time I made stained glass windows, for the Victorianna, they were printed out on a transparency sheet that I then painted over with Gallery Glass paint.
Even with the Gallery Glass adding a wavy glass effect, these still look printed out. I wanted to try something different for the bungalow. (Also, the ink cartridges on my inkjet printer are dried up, and I hate buying new ones because I barely get any use out of them before they dry up!)
Back when I made the stained glass for the Victorianna, someone suggested trying a Sakura Glaze pen, which claims to have 3-dimensional ink. I bought one but hadn’t really used it, so I decided to give that a try.
I printed out a design I found online and traced over it with the pen. The ink does have dimension, and the pen is a lot easier to control than the bottle of Gallery Glass Liquid Lead (which I have tried before with bad results).
The ink beaded up on the acetate, so I had to keep going over and over the lines to end up with a solid line. This resulted in thicker lines than I wanted, and the circles were especially hard to do neatly.
Once the ink dried, I filled in the color by spreading dots of Gallery Glass with a toothpick.
Here’s how it looks when it’s wet.
And when it’s dry. The color is nice with the white background, but without the paper behind it, it’s too faint.
(Note: in case you’re noticing differences in the lead lines, the windows pictured above are not all the same window! I made several of these to try to get better at it.)