The Den of Slack

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Customer service revisited (retro style!)

I spent most of the evening trying to find some things I thought I had and apparently have lost. The main thing I was looking for were my literary magazines from high school. I just wanted to flip through them for a little nostalgia, and was disturbed to realize they weren’t in the drawer I thought they were in, and I actually haven’t seen them in several years. I’m worried that they got lost in a move or thrown out at some point—a prospect that makes me inexplicably sad.

(The other thing I was looking for was a 16-page handwritten and hand-illustrated manuscript entitled Tile of a Rat, the first story I ever wrote, at age six. It would have been Tale of a Mouse except I ran out space on the page to fit the word “mouse,” and I didn’t know how to spell. Couldn’t find that either, but I’m semi-confident that it’s around somewhere.)

While looking for the magazines and the long-lost manuscript, I found a stack of old floppy disks from high school and that I can’t read because computers don’t come with floppy drives anymore. (This whole experience has left me feeling really, really old.) I also found a CD backup of some of my old Mac disks, which I made at my parents’ house a few years ago after they got rid of my Mac from college. Even though they tossed the computer, they had the good sense to hold onto the floppies for me. I remember being depressed that I never got to say goodbye to that good old all-in-one Performa. It may have been heavier than a load of bricks, but it served me well.

And on that CD, I came across this letter:

October 17, 1995

Dear Sierra,

I am currently playing Police Quest 4, and I think there is a bug in the program. I am playing with a Mac CD. I’m on Wednesday, in City Hall. Right after I address the mayor, Dennis Walker stands up to hit me. I draw my gun, and then when I click the “talk” icon on Dennis (or anywhere else), the police car “wait” icon comes up, and he hits me anyway. No matter how quickly I click on Dennis, the police car appears and he kills me. I’m pretty sure there’s a problem with the program, because I tried shooting Dennis, and the same thing happened. The gunshot sounded, but he still started to hit me while the computer was bringing up the box saying I was dead because I shot someone.

I went onto Compuserve but couldn’t find any patch programs for this problem. I know I’m doing what I’m supposed to do, because I looked in a hint book. Has anyone else experienced this difficulty, or is there a problem with my individual software? Please get back to me quickly, because I’m hooked and am really anxious to keep playing.

Sierra’s response to this letter, as I recall, was to mail me a floppy disk with a saved game on it.

I miss the nineties.

Public Relations in Games: The Science of Secrets

Hey Marty, don’t look up!

Before I left Telltale, I did an interview for this Gamasutra article about game PR. The article just went up yesterday, which gives it a Back to the Future-esque quality. Sort of like when Marty McFly from the second movie is climbing the scaffolding over the stage while Marty McFly from the first movie is performing Johnny B. Goode at the Enchantment Under the Sea dance. (But not quite.)

Anyway. The article’s here if you want to check it out: Public Relations in Games: The Science of Secrets


These are serrano peppers. I have a habanero plant in the same pot and found a few small pepper buds on that as well.

Just yesterday, Geoff commented that the pepper plant looked like it was wilting. I had noticed the same thing. The white flowers were turning brown and dropping off, the branches seemed to be sagging, and after 3+ months, the plants still weren’t producing any peppers.

Or so we thought. This morning when I was watering them, I went to pick a dead flower off a leaf and was astonished to realize what what I thought was a leaf was actually a huge green pepper hanging from the stem. This baby is big; it must have been there for several days, at least. I can’t believe I missed it.

I gave a closer look and realized the plant is full of peppers. I counted at least ten. The pepper plant isn’t dying, it’s finally growing! (The only downside to the discovery was that in my excitement I put my hands all over the peppers, and now they sting. Oops.)

The tomatoes are still doing well. The branches got so heavy I had to prop some of them up with sticks. The herbs are pretty much gone, even the parsley. Maybe this isn’t a good climate for herbs, or maybe I didn’t give them the care they needed. I’d like to pull them out and plant some berries in that pot but I’m not sure if it’s too late in the season…

Left to right: the first pepper I spotted (it’s huge!); this morning’s harvest

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