The Den of Slack

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Fairfield – hardwood floors

A while ago, I picked up some wooden coffee stirrers to make hardwood floors for the Fairfield. For some reason, now seemed like a good time to do it! First I stained the coffee stirrers with Minwax Golden Oak. This brought out the grain and even some knots, so they really do look like scale floor boards.

Then it was time to install my floor. I was kind of surprised by how easy this was. I just glued the pieces down one at a time, and tried to vary the lengths so the ends of the stirrers wouldn’t always be in the same spot. The coffee stirrers were very easy to cut with a pair of scissors.

Some of the stirrers are a little crooked, so they don’t fit together perfectly. When you take a step back, though, it’s hardly noticeable.

I was able to do the whole living room but ran out of stirrers halfway through the dining room. I’ll be making a trip to the coffee kiosk at Mollie Stone’s to pick up more…

McKinley – the bedroom

I ran into a problem wallpapering the bedroom. First time around, there was a bubble and when I tried to fix it I ruined the paper along the back wall. Then I couldn’t get additional sheets of paper and had to wait to order more. They’ve been discontinued so getting them was not easy. THEN I applied a new piece of wallpaper on the back wall and some weird splotches seeped through. I think it’s caused by the glue I used (Yes glue) but I’ve never had this happen before. I have one sheet of paper left and am afraid to put it up because I don’t want the same thing to happen a second time.

So for now the bedroom wall is splotchy (you can’t see it in these pictures, but it’s very noticeable in real life). I will play with some of the wallpaper scraps to see if I can figure out what caused the splotches (maybe just spreading the glue too thickly?) before I try again.

Geoff’s mom gave me an HBS gift certificate for Christmas, so I splurged and bought these two Tiffany-style lamps.

The dresser drawers weren’t going together well so I glued the drawer fronts in place. Who bothers to open dollhouse drawers, anyway?!

The Mission rocker is a Take-A-Seat resin piece, but matches perfectly. I will cross stitch something to go in that little frame.

The pattern for the little rug came out of Pamela Warner’s Miniature Embroidery for the 20th Century Dolls’ House. I stitched a matching bedspread but haven’t quite finished it yet. I also still have to make the bedside tables.

McKinley – the living room

One of the neat things about redoing a house that is already assembled is that I can get to the decorating much sooner. I have been planning out the rooms and where the furniture will go as I’m also working on wallpaper, electricity, and the exterior of the house. Here’s what I have in the living room so far.

The Michael’s hutch in the corner is only a placeholder. I am going to build a Chrysnbon cabinet into the wall so it looks like the built-ins you find in many San Francisco apartments and houses.

I cross-stitched the pillows, and am right now cross-stitching an oriental rug to go under the coffee table (not the one in this picture).

I was going to build a window seat into the bay window but now I’m thinking it might be a good space for a computer.

Here’s a closeup of the pillows I made. The desgins came out of Pamela Warner’s Miniature Embroidery for the 20th Century Dolls’ House.

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