The Den of Slack

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McKinley – adding lights

The next step after taking down the wallpaper was to wire the house for electricity. In the Orchid, I put tapewire on the floors above where I wanted lights, and attached the wires through tiny holes. This worked well so I decided to do the same in the McKinley.

Since the back of this house doesn’t show, it was easy to run tapewire along the back. Geoff used the Dremel to cut slits in the back wall and ceiling of the fake hallway. We pulled tapewire through these slits and ran it to the second and third floors. You can’t see the slits, and the wire will be covered with wallpaper.

The roof was loose anyway, so I removed it to make pushing the brads into the tape in the attic easier.

The first light I did was in the bathroom. I did it myself (even the drilling!) and was so proud when I turned the switch and it worked. I am waiting for some more fixtures to arrive from Dolls House Emporium.

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McKinley – removing wallpaper and trim

On Memorial Day weekend, I spent a lot of time crouched on the floor by the McKinley, pulling down wallpaper and trim. Good thing I have long fingernails! Some of the trim came off in tact and some broke into a thousand pieces. I can get replacement trim from Greenleaf but I may first try to salvage what I have. I discarded the trim for the doors (am going to replace them with Houseworks doors) and put the window trim in individual baggies for each room so I can find it later. I started stripping the wallpaper using a water / vinegar solution, since I’d heard that would neutralize glue, but soon found that the paper was stuck on with double-stick tape… still sticky after all these years!


I pulled out the fireplace, and eventually the stairs, to get the living room wallpaper off. It made me wonder if there’s a better way to use the space… but I like the depth the fireplace adds to the room, so I think I will probably include it.

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McKinley – the “before” shots

This was a TOTALLY unplanned purchase. I had been going along my merry way on the Fairfield, having a great time working in half scale, planning out all the other half scale houses I’d build next. I went so far as to buy back issues of Nutshell News that contained half scale house and furniture plans. Then BAM! I came across this assembled McKinley for a reasonable price – less than half what the unassembled kit would cost – and I had to have it. I made a special trip to pick it up. My boyfriend commented that I’m the only person he knows who would go 60 miles out of her way to buy a dollhouse. (I’ve also been known to drive this far for baby hamsters. But that’s beside the point! Anyway, I’m GLAD I’m the only girl he knows who would drive so far for a dollhouse…)

The house has clearly been loved over the years. I got the impression it’s 20-30 years old. Here are the pictures the seller emailed me. She didn’t say that it was a McKinley, but I recognized it right away…

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