The Den of Slack

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Orchid – living room & laundry

The living room, like the rest of the house, originally had white walls. But after a few months I decided I wanted to jazz it up a little bit. I wanted a modern look and couldn’t find any wallpaper I liked, so I started looking at scrapbooking paper. I finally found this green paper I liked at Ben Franklin. It reminds me of the green paint on the walls at a gorgeous apartment I saw recently (which, unfortunately, was rented to someone else…)

I will be painting the door white, and adding trim around the doorways and window. I’m also going to add crown molding and baseboards.

[Note from the future: At some point I decided I disliked the original door and started to replace it, but never actually finished that particular project…]

Once I’m done with the trim, I will be adding curtains to the window and doorway into the kitchen. I saw some curtain rods I liked in the Pottery Barn catalog (the type with decorative ball thingies on the ends) and decided to make my own with beads.

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Orchid – bedroom & bathroom

The bedroom was the first room I decorated when I finished the house, and nothing’s really changed since then. I am planning to put some trim up on the seams of the wall joints. I’m also going to make a Chrysnbon rocking chair for this room.

Lo and behold, the bathroom has been papered! After months of putting it off, I finally made a last minute decision to use this green scrapbooking paper. Tried two other colors before this and was about to rip out the floor and replace it with something else when I realized this green, which I was planning to use in the Contemporary Ranch (should I ever get around to building it), would look nice here. The “shelf” around the room is crown molding. I got the idea to use it that way after seeing something similar in the Pottery Barn catalog.

I added a back “wall” under the window because it looked weird to have the tub / shower up against the sloped roof.

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Orchid – September update

The semi-finished house, in its new home on a shelf in my kitchen:

Now that I brought the house home, I’m having a lot of fun with the decorating… The first thing I did was finish the bed. I made the mattress, bedspread, and pilows. The pillow with the pattern was a Janet Granger kit.

And here is the bathroom. I put a piece of plywood behind the tub so it’s not up against the slanted ceiling. May also build a little windowsill / shelf so there’s somewhere to put the shampoo bottles. This is the green flooring I bought awhile ago. Having trouble finding something that matches for the walls around the shower (I don’t want hexagons on the wall…) I did find some nice peach and white tiles at a dollhouse store in New Jersey when I was there for my friend’s wedding… might wind up using that instead of the green. I will be adding the shower curtain and fixtures once I tile the walls around the tub.

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