The Den of Slack

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Orchid – November update

No pictures today, but a quick update. Over the weekend I spent some time with Geoff at the hangar. It was the first trip in a month because he’s been working weekends. I put wood filler in the “cracks” of the windows on the sides of the house that I’m not punching out.

I got some Krazy glue and used that to glue the plastic stuff to the windows. It seems to have done the trick but I’m still a little worried the plastic may be too flimsy. And finally, I put a coat of blue paint on the two side walls. All the exterior walls will probably need one more coat before I start assembling. I started painting an interior wall white, then realized it would be quicker (and probably look better) if I “paper” the walls with stiff white paper instead. This is how we did the walls and ceilings in my first dollhouse and I think it looks pretty good. Plus one of the interior walls has a big ugly knot in it that’s not going to be covered up, no matter how much paint I use. So, I’ll be making another trip to Staples in the near future…

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Orchid – October update

Geoff’s been busy building an airplane (really!), so I got inspired to start working on the unassembled dollhouse that had been sitting around for years. He set up a card table for me in a corner of his hangar. Then I saw how much fun he had putting his airplane progress up on the web and decided to be a copycat. Hey, it’s not about originality… it’s about whoever has the most toys when they die. Or so I’m told.

Initially, I planned to cobble these three components together. These are not my finished pieces… I “borrowed” the pictures from [Note from the future: I ultimately decided to leave the garage for another project, because it’s a bit too big to look good next to the house.]

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