When I first started planning how to do the Victorianna’s roof, I made a chimney piece out of leftover kit parts. I cut the kit’s chimney piece flat where it will meet the flat roof.
I glued on a piece of 1:12 channel molding and a piece of scrap wood (a spacer from a furniture kit).
Then I glued on the other kit’s chimney piece. This little box fits over a protruding piece that would have formed the back of the chimney, if I’d built the kit according to the directions.
With the flat and sloped roof pieces now attached, I need to finish and attach the chimney before I can shingle the sloped roof. On this side of the house, the angle of the chimney meets up perfectly with the roof.
But there’s a gap on this side because my house and roof aren’t square.
I filled this in with a skinny piece of strip wood.
I glued pieces of 1/8″ x 1/4″ strip wood around the top of the chimney to create ledges that make it more visually interesting. These are spaced 1/8″ apart.
Here’s how the cobbled-together chimney looks from the top. It needs to be covered up.
I cut a piece of wood to fit inside the hole. I’ll paint this black and add chimney pots to it.