With the 1:48 gazebo bashed beyond recognition and the spiral staircase finished, it’s time to assemble the Victorianna’s cupola. The first step was to glue crown molding around the top for the cupola to sit on. I used a scrap of wood as a spacer to ensure the base would be flush with the tops of the tower walls.
I thought the crown molding would completely hide the holes so you wouldn’t be able to see them from the room underneath.
Not so much.
I pondered how to fix this for an embarrassingly long time. I was so fixated on having the entire cupola painted Tuscan Beige to match the house trim, I missed the most obvious solution: cover the bottom side of the base with ceiling paper. (On the bright side, when I realized it would be that easy to fix, I felt really proud of myself!)
Perfect! Well, those crown molding joints aren’t perfect. But considering I glued them in looking down from above, it’s not bad. You’re never going to see it as close up as it is in this picture.
Next it was time to glue in the staircase. (Oh, that reminds me – remember how Luminaris dropped the ball on replacing missing pieces from the staircase kit, and I wouldn’t have been able to use it at all if I hadn’t been bashing it? The last week of October, a full month after my last “where are my replacement pieces?” email to them, a package showed up in the mail. Never got a reply email, and there was no note in the package apologizing for or even acknowledging the delay. If they’d bothered to follow up with me I could have told them I didn’t need the parts anymore…)
I put glue along the edge of the landing, as well as under the staircase’s base and bottom step. Some glue smeared on the floor as I pushed the staircase into position but I was able to wipe it up with a damp paper towel through the door of the tower room.
This room is now impossible to reach into so I hope I never drop anything in there. (Who am I kidding? Of course I’ll drop something in there.)