The Den of Slack

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Half scale umbrella drink

This week I went to Dollhouses Trains and More hoping to find an iced tea or lemonade set to use in the summer lounge chair scene. They didn’t have anything like that in half scale, but they did have this tropical drink. It’s a bit elaborate for lazy summer lounging, but it was too cute to pass up.

After I got it home I noticed something funny about it. If the red things sticking out are supposed to be straws, what’s the gray wire? It looked like something used to be glued to it. I wasn’t sure if it had broken on the way home or if it was like this when I got it off the shelf.

I looked online and found this picture on the Handley House website. My drink is missing its umbrella.

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Dandelions and summer lounging

Of the four seasons, the summer portion of my rotating roombox started out with the least obvious theme. Spring has flowers, fall has leaves, and winter has snow… what about summer? I gave the grass dead patches, but besides that there isn’t anything obvious about the base scene that really differentiates it from spring.

I’ve been hoarding a dandelion kit from SDK Miniatures for a while. I thought I could add one to the grass to suggest (along with the brown spots) that the lawn isn’t being cared for… it’s so hot that the people who live here have let the yard go.

The picture on the front of the kit only shows yellow dandelions, but when I opened it I was pleasantly surprised to also find supplies for the white, “make a wish” balls dandelions turn into. This gave me the idea to use the dandelions to show the passage of time, with yellow ones in the spring and white ones in the summer.

Here they are assembled. I had a horrible time with the leaves. The same thing happened with the plants in the spring planters, I just can’t get them to stick to anything. They fall over and get stuck to my toothpick and don’t turn out anything like the leaves in the picture.

Luckily these are going to be tucked out of the way next to the door, so the messy leaves aren’t too obvious. I glued down each plant (the base is made from air dry clay) and then added crumb grass around the edges to blend in with the Noch grass.

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Spring planter

My original plan for the spring portion of the four seasons roombox was to make a flowerbed along the wall. Once the scenes were laid out there wasn’t a lot of space for that, plus I would have needed to carry over the flowerbed into the other months, which I didn’t want to do. Instead I decided to use a planter.

I looked high and low for a wine cask style planter in half scale and couldn’t find any — so I made one! I started out with a large 1″ scale planter from It was sold in a pair so even if one got messed up, I would have another one as a back-up.

These are made out of resin. I used a utility knife and a thin saw to slice off the bottom.

Then I sanded the bottom edge with the disc sander to make it flat. Now I had a planter that was the right height, but with a hole at the bottom.

I put it on a piece of strip wood and traced around the inside of the hole.

I cut the piece out roughly with the utility knife.

Then I sanded to the pencil line until it fit inside the planter. It’s not a perfect fit, but you’ll never see this.

Here’s the result. Much more to scale!

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