The Den of Slack

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Bead bottles and Victorianna bathroom fix

Something tragic happened in the Victorianna. At some point after we moved to San Francisco last fall the bathroom floor I loved so much got totally bleached out. My new workshop didn’t exist yet and the sun must have been shining through the garage window onto the house. I didn’t notice until it was too late.

It’s hard to see how bad it got in photos, but here are the faded tiles with a leftover scrap to give you an idea. I’ve had similar problems with my own attempts at color printing fading, but I’m pretty disappointed that something I paid money for faded so soon.

I could have bought another sheet but didn’t want it to happen again, so I begrudgingly replaced the pretty floor tiles with a plastic sheet of hexagon tiles. At least the tiles in the shower didn’t fade — a very good thing, because I can’t reach those anymore!

I started by removing the baseboards and making a paper template of the floor, getting as close as I could to the areas that aren’t covered by baseboards. I was able to slide the paper under the linen closet and one side of the door trim, which helped.

It took a couple of tries, but here’s what I ended up with. It’ll do. Sigh.

On to the fun stuff. I’ve been hunting around for accessories for the bathroom and wanted to try my hand at making some shampoo and lotion bottles, but couldn’t find the right beads online or in person at Michaels or Beverley’s. (They need to be an appropriate color *and* stand up on their own.) Finally a trip to The Hobby Company which has a whole bead room, yielded these.

Once you find the beads, bottles are super easy to make. Just dab glue on the top…

… then put the glue side face down on a seed bead.

Ta da! Now all it needs is a label (which I haven’t bothered doing yet).

These squat beads made me think of cold cream jars. The top is a metal brad with the legs snipped off.

I also picked out some tiny beads that look like glycerine soap.

I glued some of the soaps onto the smallest of the metal filigrees I bought for the little girl’s mobile a few months back. Here’s one in the Victorianna. The mirror in here is also new – handmade from picture frame trim and a 1″ mosaic mirror.

And here are a couple of the bottles on a floating shelf I added above the toilet.

A third Jackie Deiber pull-apart house (modified Amberwood?)

Between the Thatched Cottage and a recent Craigslist score, I’ve been on a bit of a dollhouse buying jag lately — so I didn’t buy this one when I saw it on eBay a few weeks ago! But I did recognize it as one of Jackie Deiber’s half scale pull-apart houses, and I reached out to the seller to ask permission to post some of her pictures.

I believe this is a modified Amberwood, as shown in this flyer that someone posted on the Greenleaf forum a few years ago. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in person. Some of Jackie’s other houses, like the Pepperwood Farm, are very prevalent on Craigslist and eBay, so it seems the Amberwood may be a rarity.

From the photos on the second page of the flyer, it seems the Amberwood had hinged panels on one side, and was open on the other side. From the dimensions (45″ tall) it must have been 1:12 scale.

To be honest I think the half scale version looks a bit top-heavy. The tower and roof aren’t quite as overpowering with two stories instead of one.

Here’s the other side – it’s the same house, but before the current owner fixed it up. (She did a great job! I love the new colors.)

The house has the same bricks and latticework as my Gull Bay.

The back slides out.

And the top is hinged to access the attic rooms.

It’s not shown in these photos, but the tower roof lifts off too.

I’m still on the lookout for more of these pull-apart houses, in any scale. If you have one please email me, I’d love to see pictures!

Miniature wishing well tutorial

A while ago I had my eye on this resin wishing well from At $28 it’s pretty pricey, but I thought it wouldn’t be too hard to make something like that and tucked the idea away. Now that I’m working on the Thatched Cottage, I decided to give it a try.

Read on for the step-by-step of how I did it. I’ve included a parts list at the bottom with dimensions for each of the pieces. My well is half scale (1:24) but you could double the dimensions to create a 1:12 version.

The base of the well started out as a piece of PVC pipe that’s 1-7/8″ wide and 1-1/8″ tall. (It’s actually 1-1/2″ pipe — that’s the inside diameter.)

I painted the pipe gray as a base for the stonework.

While the paint was drying, I cut support pieces from 5/16″ x 3/16″ basswood. The roof pieces are from a scrap of 2-1/2″ wide luan plywood that some trim I recently purchased was taped to when I received it in the mail.

The decorative corners are Northeastern Scale Lumber BRE-1 brackets that I’ve used in various other places, like the Victorianna’s bay windows and the Gull Bay dormers. These aren’t listed on Northeastern’s website anymore, which sadly may mean they’ve been discontinued. They are totally optional for the well, or you could substitute another right-angle bracket or small apex trim.

The last major component is a 1:12 spit fork from Olde Mountain Miniatures. Alternatively you could make something like this out of wire; I bought it because I was trying to fill up a shopping cart enough to get free shipping and it seemed like it would work.

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