The Den of Slack

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Two-headed monster

This year for Halloween, Rosy is a friendly monster. The eyes and horns are supposed to go up over her head like a hood but she isn’t having any of that. So, she’s a two-headed monster.

This will be our first year not attending the Marin Humane Society’s Halloween party (in fact, I’m not sure if they’re having one, but with the move we probably wouldn’t have gone anyway). I might have to set up Bobbing for Bones in the kitchen just to give her a reason to wear the costume…

Attempting to transfer Xfinity service has been the worst part of our move

On Tuesday Geoff and I moved into a house in San Francisco. The move itself went incredibly smoothly – shout out to Delancey Street Movers for their awesome service and great price. Wednesday we went back to the old place to clean it up for the buyers, and were done ahead of schedule. On the way home we stopped by Best Buy where I got a $130 microwave for $30 thanks to a sale and a bonus reward redemption. All in all, a good two days.

Then came Thursday morning: our scheduled Comcast appointment. The fact that I’m posting this from Starbucks and not the comfort of my living room should tip you off to how that turned out. (Hint: this story plays out nothing like those Xfinity Movers Edge commercials.)

Let’s back up three weeks. On October 2, Geoff called Comcast to schedule the transfer of our Xfinity service, which we use for phone, internet, and cable TV. He told the rep that our new house doesn’t have a cable line, so a bucket truck would be needed to string the line to the house. Sure, no problem, they’ll be there on the 22nd between 8:00 and 10:00.

Yesterday at around 9:30 a Comcast contractor showed up in a van, took one look at the house, and said to Geoff, “I can’t do anything for you, there’s no cable line running to the house.”

“Right,” Geoff says, “where’s the bucket truck?”

Ohhh, the bucket truck. The one he mentioned they’d need to send when he set up the appointment three weeks ago. “I’m going to call my supervisor,” the contractor said. “You’ll get a call within 24 to 48 hours.”

“To let me know when they’ll come to string the cable to the house?” Geoff asks.

“No, to let you know when someone can stop by to confirm that a bucket truck is really needed.”

Of course, because it’s not like they had three weeks to drop by and verify that a bucket truck would be needed, and it’s not like they have a database that would show this house has never had Comcast service, ever.

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Spanish Revival cottage – roof fix and windows

In one week (gasp!) I will be moving back to San Francisco and leaving the suburbs behind. The past six weeks have been busy with packing and de-cluttering and moving things to the (considerably smaller) new house, including everything that once lived in my beloved dollhouse workshop. The new house doesn’t have a dedicated dollhouse room yet — although Geoff promises we can create one in the garage someday — so for now there are a bazillion bins filled with furniture and supplies and the houses are all over the place. It’s pretty overwhelming.

(If you’re wondering, this is what the staged dollhouse room looked like when we put the house on the market. It *never* looked this nice the entire time I lived here. I spent about two hours cleaning paint off the sink and tabletop and then the woman staging the house walked in and said “Oh, you washed off all those paint spatters! I thought they were cute!” Grr.)

Anyway. Before packing up all my stuff, I finished a few projects that were close to being done, thinking that if the stuff stays packed for months/years (noooo!) it would be too hard to pick up where I’d left off. One of those projects was the windows on the Spanish revival artist’s cottage. But before I get to that, I have to go back even further, because I never posted a follow-up to my questionable barrel tile roof, finished almost a year ago.

Among other things, I was unhappy with how the top row of the back part of the roof looked. I had replaced an entire row of tiles to cover up some that had melted from glue, and didn’t like how obvious that replacement row was.

In an attempt to blend in the patch job a bit better, I cut several varied lengths of tile to add to the back roof, and theoretically make the top replacement row less noticeable.

After painting and gluing on the new pieces of tile, I added wood filler to the tiles under the replacement row to make the gap less obvious.

Here’s how it looked before I added the washes.

And after. There’s still something funky about it but I think it looks more like an old roof and less like a styrene hack-job now.

Unfortunately, as you can see on two of the bottom tiles, the paint still scrapes off incredibly easily. I also dinged some putting the house into the car to move it to San Francisco, so whenever the new dollhouse workshop materializes the roof is going to need another touch-up. This is probably my last time using styrene tiles…

Moving on to the original purpose of this blog… windows! The gatorboard shell came with three windows cut into it and I added three skylights to the roof. These are all Houseworks 12-light windows.

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