The Den of Slack

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Flea market find: Garden of Delights

Here’s the second little house I got at the miniature flea market in August (the first being the House of Hidden Treasures kit from American Craft). This one’s named Garden of Delights.

This was a NAME national convention souvenir in 1996. I recognized it because I’d seen one on eBay fairly recently, and I assumed it was half scale due to the size. It set me back a whopping $3.

The little house has three handwritten names on the bottom: Sharon Zerkel, Dan Zerkel, and Dot Moore. A little Googling turned up a couple of old auction listings, including this one that says the house was designed by Pam Junk.

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Victorianna — little girl’s room #2 and adding the third floor

With the clothes neatly put away in the closet, it’s time to finish the second girl’s room, starting with finishing the closet. I bought these 1:24 plastic crates from Shapeways and painted them pretty colors.

I thought about putting something in them, but once they’re in place you can’t really tell they’re empty, so I didn’t. I glued the crates to the shelf since they would be very hard to get in there once the closet is closed up.

I had already prepared the door by gluing strip wood to the sides so it fits snugly in the opening. I added a piece to the top for the top part of the wall to attach to.

I glued in the door, and then glued a piece of wood over the door.

I wallpapered the room and added trim around the door. The wallpaper is from Itsy Bitsy Mini — it’s 1:12 scale, but a small enough print to work in half scale.

It was bothering me that the hanger on the hook inside the door seemed very out of scale compared to the hook. I had a few printouts leftover from the clothes project with wooden hangers as part of the image. I cut down eye pins, opened up the eye a bit to make a hook, and sandwiched the hook between the paper to make the tops of the wooden hangers. I had to use Super Glue to keep the hooks from sliding out from between the two pieces of paper.

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Half scale sleigh bed from a kit

The sleigh bed I made for the Victorianna’s little girl’s room is a kit I bought off eBay, and the instructions didn’t come with it. I went online looking for pictures and ended up on Karen Benson’s website. One piece from my kit is stamped HCC which I think stands for “Heritage House Collection.” I don’t know if they’re associated with Karen Benson in some way but it seems to be the same kit, and from the photo on her website I was able to figure out how it goes together. And once I figured that out, I promptly changed it!

[Clarification 11/29/15: I was poking around the Half Scale Yahoo group and found a post from 2001 that says Karen Benson bought the Heritage House Collection line. Mystery solved!]

Here are the pieces that came with the kit:

Something about the base bothered me. It doesn’t have a front and back piece — just side pieces — so the feet end up looking one-dimensional instead of having the bulk of many the sleigh bed feet I found on Google Images. I decided to leave off the bottom pieces and make my own bulky feet.

I started by assembling the frame. Easy enough.

These pieces were supposed to go together to form the headboard and footboard. Sleigh beds have curved tops so maybe I was supposed to sand the top of the skinny piece to curve it?

I had some quarter round of the correct thickness lying around, so I used that instead.

With the quarter round glued on the top was a little too tall, jutting out above the side pieces. The quarter round I used is the same height as the pieces I replaced, so this might have been by design?

Easily fixed! I used the disc sander to sand down the bottom of the piece until it fit well.

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