The Den of Slack

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Victorianna bathroom closet

Because the Victorianna is fairly deep, I’m adding a closet to the bathroom so the room won’t be quite so massive. A couple of months ago I made a set of louvered closet doors using a 1:24 French door and a pair of 1:12 shutters. I’m getting close to gluing in the third floor and back of the house, and need to get the closet glued in while I still have access through the back.

Here’s how the closet will look. The wall is cut from the wall that would have closed off what’s normally the master bedroom, which I’m keeping open to accommodate the staircase.

The wall runs all the way across this room but the closet doesn’t need to be that wide to fit the washer and dryer. Earlier I cut a hole in the back wall so that the area behind the bathtub will be part of the bedroom behind this. Now, to close it off, I cut a piece of basswood to make a side wall. Because the closet wall is kind of flimsy (and because I happened to have this wood lying around) I used a 1/4″ thickness so it will be nice and sturdy.

Here’s how it looks from the other side. This will be a closet or alcove in the teenager’s bedroom.

I had enough space to add a side wall on the other side, too. This wasn’t entirely necessary but it will give the closet more stability (bigger surfaces to glue) and will also cover up a potential gap where the side wall and back wall aren’t meeting snugly.

I glued the two sides to the closet wall, putting the back and third floor in place while they dried to make sure they were in the right position. Here’s how it ended up.

Meanwhile, I messed up my doors! They were rubbing slightly and I tried to sand them down but ended up with a big uneven gap at the top. (It all started because the louvers in one of the doors were slightly wider than they should have been, causing the middle area to bow out.)

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Victorianna kitchen floor, MiniEtchers stove kit, and goodies from recent swaps

This is a long post. If floors bore you but you’re dying to see appliances and accessorized kitchens, scroll down!

Pleased with how well my micro veneer floors turned out, I decided to try a variation in the Victorianna’s kitchen using a blue/gray color of veneer that doesn’t really look like natural wood. I thought I could emulate the ceramic tile that looks like hardwood that’s become popular lately. (If HGTV is to be believed, anyway.)

I had originally stained the floor just in case I decided to continue the hardwoods throughout, so I started by painting it white. I did a sloppy job of this since it’ll be covered up.

I cut veneer pieces 3/8″ wide by 7/8″ long and started laying them down in a subway pattern. I used a white Sharpie paint pen around the edges hoping it would give the illusion of a white seam between the pieces, the same way the black Sharpie gives the illusion of a black seam with the hardwood floor.

A few rows in I found that the strips of veneer I’d cut weren’t exactly the same 3/8″ width, so my rows started getting a little funky. I replaced a few pieces and from this point on used up all the pieces from one strip before cutting another, to prevent as much variation.

It seemed like it was going to work.

But… it didn’t.

A few things went wrong here. I got overzealous leaving space between the tiles, and ended up with grout lines that are inconsistent and way too thick. I also got crooked about halfway across, which is very visible once the cabinets are in place.

I let it sit a few days and decided I just couldn’t live with it, so I ripped it all out. (Fingernails to the rescue!) The wood all came up but some of the paper backing stayed behind.

I tackled it with the Mouse sander and got it relatively smooth. I thought about using a tiled paper like this, but it was Easter so the dollhouse store was closed, and I wasn’t convinced the paper would look how I wanted it to, either. So in the end I decided to go with the known quantity and do hardwood floors in here, too.

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Victorianna – fireplace and fake closet door

I’m still working on parts of the Victorianna that will be inaccessible once the back goes on. This week’s project: the fireplace and the wall that encloses it.

I love closets in dollhouses and wanted to create one under the stairs, but it would be nearly impossible to access once the house is put together. (I already have a hall closet you can barely see in the Queen Anne Rowhouse, I don’t need another one!) But making a fake door would be easy enough, especially since there’s a little lip where the walls meet that’s the perfect depth for door casing.

This is Houseworks interior door trim that I saved from a door I used some other trim on. It’s slightly wider than the wall piece.

I cut down the horizontal piece of trim to fit the wall.

Then I drew a pencil line around the inside of the trim, so I’d know where to glue my door pieces. I don’t want to glue the trim on yet because the wallpaper from the living room will wrap around the side and top of the wall, and the trim will need to cover the edges. I painted it, but will wait to glue it in until the two halves of the house are put together.

I used strip wood to emulate a three-panel style I found with a Google search. The rest of the doors in this house will be the regular Houseworks paneled doors so I figured I’d make this one unique.

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