The Den of Slack

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The Ingalls family at home

Back in October, I ordered a custom set of Ingalls family dolls from Prairie Crocus Studio on Etsy. These are for my half scale Little House in the Big Woods cabin, and the family came with beautifully detailed Ma, Pa, Laura, and Mary dolls… no Carrie, but I figured a half scale baby would be easy enough to find.

Lucky me, I was recently browsing Etsy and saw that the same seller now has a half scale baby available. The doll comes totally naked but Laurie was nice enough to add a face for me. Here’s the picture she sent me before shipping.

Baby Carrie arrived from Canada today, neatly wrapped in a blanket. She got in through the mail slot but I think there might have been a stork involved at some point during the journey.

I never actually posted pics of the dolls in the cabin, so here we go! First, here’s Ma snuggling with the new arrival.

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Rowhouse – finishing the hinged panels (stair side)

Back in November when my dad and I attached the hinged panels to the Rowhouse, the panel on the stair side wasn’t closing all the way so we decided to add a magnet to help keep it closed. My dad used a special drill bit to drill a hole in the back side of the second story landing.

Before gluing in the magnet, I ran the red oak stain pen around the edge so none of the raw wood would show through.

Then I glued in a ceramic magnet.

I needed something metallic to put on the panel to engage the magnet. I wanted it to be unobtrusive and possibly even look like it belonged there. I found these metallic stickers and brads at Michaels in the scrapbook section. (I tested them with a magnet while I was in the store… not everything they had that was metallic was also magnetic!)

The decorative sticker thingies engaged with the magnet, with the added benefit of looking sort of like a Victorian heating vent, so I decided to use one of those.

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Rosedale final trim

The Queen Anne Rowhouse is almost finished, and as usual when I get *almost* finished with a dollhouse, my thoughts are straying ahead to the next one. In December I lucked out on an Elizabeth Anne kit on eBay. I’m itching to start on it but am making myself wait until I put the finishing touches on the Rosedale, which has been sitting patiently on a shelf for the last two years.

I started by adding basswood trim to the exposed plywood edges. I made this house by bashing two half scale Rosedale kits together and it’s experienced some settling. I hope the lady who lives here got a thorough inspection before she bought the place…

At the bottom, I didn’t have strip wood quite tall enough so I used used a piece of 1:12 baseboard.

Up on the third floor, I added a porch post as a support in the bedroom. Originally there was nothing here and it was holding up okay, but looked kind of funky.

Next I painted the roof trim and glued the pieces together.

Here they are sitting in place, not glued to the house yet.

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