The Den of Slack

Page 139 of 232

Little House Cabin – shingles

Shingling was the last big job to do on the cabin. When I glued the skinny sticks to the inside of the roof, something got off kilter so the roof wouldn’t glue on straight. Oops.

The porch roof is supposed to attach to the front of the roof at a 45-degree angle. I glued a shim to the right side of it to compensate for the crooked roof.

The shim made it so I could attach the porch roof more or less straight.

I glopped it up with plenty of glue. Also, I decided to use only three of the four porch posts since with four, I couldn’t space them evenly without blocking the door.

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Ron Gilbert Emerges in issue 125 of GamesTM

When I visited Double Fine’s office to take a look at Ron Gilbert’s upcoming game The Cave, he and I spent about an hour talking not just about the new game but also about adventure games in general, and where they’re going, and where they came from. It was too good a conversation to keep to myself, so in addition to previewing The Cave for Adventure Gamers, I spun the longer interview into a feature article that appears in this month’s Games™. You should be able to find it on sale now in the UK. If you’re unlucky enough to be nowhere near a British newsstand, you can buy it online from the publisher (presumably soon, anyway, as it’s not up there yet) or get the issue digitally on iPad.

Along with all sorts of juicy tidbits from the guy who created Monkey Island, the article includes a nice timeline of adventure games through the ages. (I can’t take the credit for this; it was put together by deputy editor Ashley Day.)

Ron was super fun to talk to and I’m thrilled that I was able to turn our chat into not one, but two great articles. And any self-respecting adventure game fan who isn’t excited about The Cave is an idiot. There, I said it.

Little House cabin – almost done!

In my last blog, I pointed out that the half-round logs that came with the log cabin kit make the corners look kind of silly. My dad suggested cutting pieces to glue to the flat edges, to make a “full” log. It was a bit tricky dealing with such little pieces, but I managed and it looks 100% better.

Extreme close-up. There’s an obvious “split” where the two pieces of log meet, but whatever. I think the appearance of full logs outweighs that little flaw.

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