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Get reacquainted with Gabriel Knight, then give his momma some money

Grace: “I feel like there’s something else out there, waiting for us. Do you think we’ll ever find it?”
Gabriel: “Never know, Gracie. One of these days we just might.”

Two things. One: the Gabriel Knight behind-the-scenes article I wrote for Games™ last year has just been posted on their website. This is a retrospective that delves into the development of the Gabriel Knight trilogy, developed at Sierra On-Line in the 1990s, that I wrote back when the thought of ever seeing a new Gabriel Knight game was nothing but a ridiculous pipe dream. Go read it.

Two: After several years making casual games, Jane Jensen, creator of Gabriel Knight (and, more recently, Gray Matter) has gone rogue, launching her own studio with the plan to return to GK-style adventure games. She hopes to ramp up to making two or three new games a year. I’m sorry, could somebody pinch me? What with Telltale’s Sam & Max revival, then Tales of Monkey Island, then Tim Schafer’s insanely successful Kickstarter campaign, I feel like LucasArts fans have had all the breaks. Well, not anymore. At 73% funding with 26 days to go, Jane’s well on her way to bringing us a brand new adventure game by this time next year… maybe two, if all goes well. You can learn all about it here.

A new Gabriel Knight game is still a pipe dream for now, but a somewhat less ridiculous one since I wrote that Games™ article a year ago. Activision, who owns the old Sierra properties, has already shown interest in reviving King’s Quest. And Jane’s confident that starting Pinkerton Road Studio is a step in the right direction for someday making a new Gabriel Knight. (And hey, if that’s what Jane Jensen thinks, who are you to argue? Go give her money already!)

Okay, I lied when I said “two things.” Here’s one more: the Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers theme song performed by a live orchestra. It’s surprisingly moving.

Full disclosure: I helped Jane with PR for the Pinkerton Road announcement. But I’m also one of her biggest fans in the world, and I would be pimping this project no matter what!

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller preview at Adventure Gamers

This month has flown by, thanks to two weeks of house guests and a super exciting PR project that I’m dying to talk about but have to keep secret a few more days. Before all of this, though, was the Game Developers Conference, where I saw some great games, heard some great panels, and (the best part) sat down with Tim Schafer for an awesome interview that I’ve since turned into a big feature article, slated to appear in print in a month or so. I’ll post more info about that (including where you can read it!) in the near future, but for now let’s just say it was a lot of fun to talk to him about the Kickstarter campaign heard round the world, his approach to making adventure games, and why the genre most certainly is not dead.

Run, Erica! Run!

But I digress. (What else is new?) One of the first things I did at GDC was see Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller, and my impressions went up on Adventure Gamers today. The game is being developed by Phoenix Online, the group behind The Silver Lining (for whom I have done PR in the past, but am not currently) and it’s looking pretty damn good. I think fans of crime games and especially of Jane Jensen’s Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers will dig it (partly because Jane is acting as a story consultant on the project, but more because the Phoenix team are big fans of hers and it shows). The subject matter reminds me a bit of Still Life, too (another of my old favorites). In short, lots to look forward to.

Read all about it!

Egg carton stone foundation

After seeing some gorgeous results in other people’s galleries, I decided to try making a stone foundation for the Hillside Victorian out of egg cartons. It turned out to be surprisingly easy, and the price is right!

I started by painting the foundation gray, using a flat Behr paint I picked up off the “oops” rack at Home Depot a while back. The painted foundation had a bumpy, concrete-like look and at first I thought about leaving it like this. But my desire to rip up egg cartons got the better of me—luckily, it turns out, since I love the end result.

I started by tearing up three (gray) egg cartons and a (reddish) drink holder into small pieces. I didn’t use a template or anything, just ripped them randomly. Some areas didn’t work as well, like the rigid curves that formed “windows” on the top of the egg carton, so I tossed out those pieces.

Figuring I’d get better at this as I went along, I started with the side that will eventually be obstructed by the deck. I glued “stones” onto the foundation with The Ultimate glue, with the gray paint showing through to form grout lines.

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