The Den of Slack

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My dog, the superstar

A brief video taken on graduation day of Small Dogs Wanna Have Fun, a 6-week class Rosy recently attended at the Marin Humane Society.

(Warning: I suggest muting the sound. My “you can do it!” voice is embarrassingly squeaky.)

This class, which we also took about a year ago, is basically an excuse for a bunch of small dogs to play on equipment and learn parlor tricks. But it’s also a great confidence builder, especially for dogs like mine who 1) are smaller than almost every other dog she meets, and 2) is afraid of almost every dog, small child, tall grown-up, and inanimate object she meets.

Of course, after last summer’s agility classes, Rosy the wonder greyhuahua chihuahua / English Springer Spaniel mix is an old pro on the equipment. She really doesn’t like things that wobble under her feet, though… which is why the video starts with her putting just one paw on that blue bobbly thing rather than balancing with all four (which about half of the dogs in the class were willing to do). Eh, we can’t all be superstars all the time.

Slow and steady wins the race (or so I hear)

Gah, I hate trim. Especially on giant 1:12 dollhouses. But the Hillside Victorian’s going to be a beauty when it’s done…

I spent countless hours this weekend working on the embossed trim for the eaves. I started by painting the pieces I cut last weekend.

Initially I planned to leave it white. But the embossed design wasn’t as well defined on some parts of the trim than others, which turned out to be very noticeable once the trim was all white, and I thought painting it could help with that. Using a small chisel brush, I painted the flower portions with the dark blue accent color.

Then I painted the curvy lines around the flowers gold.

And finally, I filled in the little flowers between the big flowers, also with the navy blue. For four pieces of trim, the entire process took about four hours.

Up close there are a lot of imperfections. But from a distance I think it looks pretty good. And hey, it’s hand-painted! Can’t expect it to be perfect. Here’s how it looks on the house (not glued in yet).

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