The Den of Slack

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Hillside Victorian – trimapolooza

When we last saw the Hillside Victorian, she had cleaned up nicely under the light blue house paint and white trim, and was awaiting her navy blue accent color. I really hate painting trim so I’ve been kind of lazy about it, but here’s the progress of the last two weeks.

My first step was to mask off the areas around the trim I planned to paint with the accent color, to (theoretically) protect what I’d already painted. I went through a lot of tape. Then I painted the accent trim with a couple of coats of Glidden’s “slate gray,” leftover from my Rosedale.

I really made an effort to stay inside the lines…

From a distance, it looks great!

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Eye on iPhone vol. 5 – Law & Order, Touch Detective, etc.

After a fairly lengthy hiatus (my fault, not theirs), Adventure Gamers has posted the fifth installment of my Eye on iPhone article series. I continue to be baffled by the number of mischaracterized non-adventures cluttering the App Store’s adventure section and this is my small attempt to make it right. (Which, much like adventure games themselves, goes largely unnoticed…)

Self deprecation aside, there are some impressive games in the mix this time, including the first episode of Telltale’s Law & Order: Legacies (Lennie Brisco lives!), the recently ported Touch Detective (which originally underwhelmed me on Nintendo DS but has somehow gotten better with age), and the very creepy Ellie – Help Me Out… Please.

You should totally go read it.

An Italian Greyhuahua no more?

Rosy: “What am I, Mr. Duck? Will we ever really know?”
Duck: “Not bloody likely, kid.”

For Christmas, Rosy bought me and Geoff a Wisdom Panel Insights DNA test… using my credit card. It cost $65 and involved swabbing her cheek to get a sample (she loved that part), sending the sample off to a lab, and waiting three weeks for the results. And those results are in! Drum roll please…

A Chihuahua mixed with an English Springer Spaniel? Seriously?! I call shenanigans. This dog has to have at least a smidgen of Italian Greyhound in her.

The report goes on to identify the five “next best breed matches” that were detected in her DNA, which could have contributed to the mixed breed grandparent.

Out of those, the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon seems most similar to her body shape, though she does have a few “long face” expressions that remind me a lot of a Dachshund.

Before getting this DNA test, I’d read online that they’re not accurate. It was really an impulse buy that we did for fun. (Damn you, Humane Society, for putting these right next to the register a week before Christmas!) And now that we “know” what she is, I kind of don’t care. Rosy will always be a Greyhuahua to me. But that’s the last time I lend her my credit card…

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