The Den of Slack

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Rosedale assembly, third floor

Since I’m adding a third story that wasn’t in the original design, the slanted roof pieces needed to be cut to meet the third floor walls at a right angle.

I also needed to create side walls. Since the right wall hadn’t been used yet from either kit, I modified these by cutting off the bottoms, then cutting openings to create access between the small roofed-in areas and the large room. The pencil marks below show which portions were cut.

The larger opening will lead to an extension of the room, maybe to be used as a closet area.

The smaller opening is a doorway into the bathroom. There needs to be more wall on this side since it’s where the stairs come up. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to extend the opening all the way to the back, but in retrospect I should have left a small piece to create a proper doorway. Once this portion is glued together, I’ll fix it with a piece of strip wood.

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Rosedale assembly, from the ground up

My dry fit gave me a good idea of how to move forward with the Rosedale. The time has come for the permanence of glue. I started by putting together the new wing. Since there aren’t tabs and slots to connect these pieces to the main house, assembling the wing independently before attaching it to the rest of the house seemed like the best plan of attack.

I clamped it (in a sort of ridiculous way) to try to combat warping that was preventing the first floor bay from fitting together well.

While this dried, I assembled the main part of the house. The front wall was also slightly warped and wanted to bow out. The yellow clamps are pushing it into position.

With the two halves glued, I next glued them together. Since these pieces weren’t meant to fit together I had to cut off most of the tabs, but applying lots of wood glue to each of the edges seems to have done the trick.

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Gabriel Knight behind-the-scenes in GamesTM issue 106

I should have posted about this GamesTM article weeks ago when the issue went on sale, but I wanted to wait until I’d seen the magazine, and then GDC ate my brain (metaphorically), and then I figured that since the mag had been mailed in mid-February it *had* to show up this week… and it still hasn’t. Boo.

Hopefully it’s still on newsstands in the UK, for those who want to check it out. About a week ago Borders was still selling issue 105, but theoretically people in the US should be able to get issue 106 now or soon at stores that carry international magazines.

Like the Quest for Glory article I wrote last year, this was a fun opportunity to deconstruct one of my beloved Sierra series. I especially enjoy digging into Sierra’s long-running series because the games are so often a reflection of the era in which they were created. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers is one of the last games to use the icon-driven point & click interface, for example. It also exhibited an evolution in voice acting: unlike some of the earlier “talkies” that were voiced by Sierra employees (no offense, guys!), Sins of the Fathers had a professional cast that included Tim Curry, Mark Hamill, and Michael Dorn.

Maybe she would, Gabe. Maybe she would.

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