The Den of Slack

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Rosedale dry fit (part 2)

And now… part 2 of the great Rosedale dry fit adventure! Last time I got the first and second floors mostly figured out. Before moving onto the third floor, I decided to add a porch door to one of the small rooms on the second floor, to access the balcony. I thought about bashing the front door from Kit B to make it a porch door, but for simplicity’s sake picked out a Houseworks Victorian oval door instead.

The oval opening matches nicely with the Rosedale’s oval windows, but the door is slightly too tall, and the peaked pediment doesn’t really go with the window and door trim on the rest of the house. As luck would have it, both of the oval doors the miniature shop had in stock were damaged, with the pediment split away from the door frame. Seeing this gave me the idea to remove the pediment completely.

Removing the pediment made it just the right height. I cut a hole for the door using the doorway on the opposite wall as a guide. The Houseworks door is slightly wider than the Rosedale’s doorways, but at least both doors are the same distance from the back edge of the house.

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Rosedale dry fit (part 1)

With the Rosedale stairs built, it’s now time to figure out how this house will fit together. I’m calling this “part 1” because I haven’t begun to fit together the new third story and roof yet. For now, here’s the progress I made this afternoon on the first and second floors. No glue yet, just dry fitting!

Normally, the Rosedale right side is a flat, blank wall. (Click here to see it.) Initially I thought I would have to cut two doors into that wall (one upstairs to lead into the small bedroom, and a larger one downstairs to lead from the entry into the living room). As I started playing with the pieces, I realized it would be easier to modify the left stair wall from Kit B, since the upstairs door was already cut and I’d just have to worry about the downstairs.

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The Silver Lining: Something wicked this way comes…

Phoenix Online Studios have announced that the third episode of the King’s Quest inspired fan game The Silver Lining is finally almost here. It’s been five months since the last episode (a lot longer than they wanted it to take) but if the trailer below is anything to go by, it’s really been worth the wait.

Episode 3: My Only Love Sprung from My Only Hate will be available for free at the Silver Lining website on February 17. If you haven’t played the first two episodes yet, you can grab them from that same link. (Use the week until ep3’s release to get caught up!)

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