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Gray Matter — something to look forward to

My review of Gray Matter has just been posted on Adventure Gamers. Designed by Jane Jensen, the storytelling powerhouse who co-authored King’s Quest VI and created the Gabriel Knight series, Gray Matter is a game I’ve been eagerly awaiting for a long time.

The game was first announced in 2003 and was supposed to launch the next year, but an “indefinite hold,” then a change in publisher, and finally a change in developer led to numerous delays. The official English release isn’t until February 2011 (I played from an advance review copy), but it is now out in a German version that includes the option to install in English, so the truly dedicated can hunt it down before then. There’s also demo that can be downloaded from the Gray Matter website.

When you’re looking forward to something for so long, it’s easy for expectations to meander into the crazy-land of Absolute Perfection (population zero). Gray Matter is not a perfect game. I go into plenty of detail about the reasons why in the review, so I won’t harp on them here. Even so, its story is as complex and nuanced as I’d hoped for, and for that reason Gray Matter was probably my most exciting gaming experience of 2010. (The Silver Lining was a close second… good year for Sierra junkies!) I really hope this is just the beginning of a Jane Jensen resurgence, because as much as I enjoy Telltale’s comedy, the dark, dramatic adventures are much more my style.

Playing Gray Matter put me in the mood to re-experience Gabriel Knight, so I started replaying Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned yesterday. The graphics are even worse than I remembered… but with a story that good, who cares?

LeChuck where I least expected him

I bought myself the first season of Thirtysomething as an early Christmas present. I’m a borderline crazy fan of the Marshall Herskovitz / Edward Zwick shows My So-Called Life and Once and Again, and have been wanting to watch Thirtysomething—their first show—for ages now. (Initial impressions: kinda self-conscious, kinda slow in the storytelling, a bit too reliant on crazy dream sequences, but just as authentic in the “slice of life” department as the later series. Hopefully it hits its stride later in the season.)

Anyway, while watching an episode last night, I was surprised to see Earl Boen’s name scroll by on the opening credits. (For the non adventure gamers reading this, Earl Boen voices the ghost pirate LeChuck, the main baddie in the Monkey Island games. But if you don’t know who he is you’ve probably stopped reading by now. And if you haven’t, you probably should. This is not a particularly interesting story.)

Of course I know that a lot of actors who do video game voices have other acting chops, but I can’t remember ever seeing recognizing one as a TV guest star before.* I was on the lookout throughout the episode but didn’t figure out who he was until I consulted imdb afterward. Guess I was expecting someone dressed more like this.

The episode is #5, “But Not for Me,” and he plays an imaginary psychiatrist who pops into the scene for about twenty seconds to dissuade Melissa from going home with a jerk she met in line at the bookstore. The episode aired in 1988, so it was almost a decade before Boen started playing LeChuck in the first talkie Monkey Island game, Curse of Monkey Island. Still, playing the scene a second time, I can totally hear LeChuck in his voice. I do wish he’d thrown in a “har har har” though.

That’s all. Continue wasting your lives. (Herskovitz / Zwick reference… anyone get it?)

*No, that’s sort of a lie. Just a few weeks ago I learned that the voice of one of the students in Gray Matter is done by the guy who plays Manmeet in Outsourced, but I didn’t notice it while I was playing. Also, I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that I watch Outsourced, so it was a bittersweet discovery.

Yes Rosy, there is a Santa Claus!

Lucky Rosy, she got to open a few presents on Christmas Eve. The stylish coat was made for her by my mom. Even accessorized with a Christmas bow, it’s much more dignified than the elf suit.

So far, the Frosty squeaky toy is her favorite… even more than the wrapping! Little does she know, Santa will be bringing her some even better loot tomorrow…

And what kind of dog mom would I be if I didn’t preserve this moment for posterity with a grainy video?

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