The Den of Slack

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Infinite Possibilities Porch in half scale

Yep, that’s really what this kit is called. I’m not sure a porch can truly have infinite possibilities, especially when it’s made out of MDF, which as I’m discovering is infinitely (heh) more difficult to bash than a plywood kit. But I’m getting ahead of myself…’s photo of the finished project.

I had a good time landscaping the Fairfield and the puzzle house and wanted to do another half scale landscape project that wouldn’t involve building an entire house first. Enter the Infinite Possibilities Porch, a newish offering from Its rectangular shape makes it perfect to display in a corner, and I got the idea to turn the finished porch into a bookend.

This is my first time building with MDF, and my assessment so far is that I don’t really like it. For one thing, masking tape won’t stick to it, which makes dry fitting the pieces or even holding them together while they’re gluing rather difficult. Also, to enlarge the holes to fit the windows and door I wanted to use, Geoff had to pitch in with a power saw (and much swearing).

Here it is with the doors and windows in. The main walls and floor are glued together but the porch and stairs are just for placement.

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Santa’s Little Helper

I’ve been told that Rosy looks like Santa’s Little Helper from the Simpsons. In light of this, the elf costume was more or less a necessity. (The portrait with Santa, on the other hand, was pure indulgence.)

As far as we’re concerned, this will be Rosy’s first real Christmas. Last year she was at the Humane Society during the holidays and, since she doesn’t speak English, the year before that is a big question mark. (And the year before that, she probably wasn’t born yet.) So far she’s been respectful of the tree and hasn’t attempted to unwrap any presents. Of course, that may be because she knows Santa is watching…

(Yes, I’ve bought a few Christmas presents for the dog. Is that so wrong?)

NaNoWriMo fail

I was fairly enthusiastic about NaNoWriMo for the first two weeks. Then… I got tired of it. And annoyed by it. And frustrated with myself and my apparent inability to write anything that didn’t suck. So I stopped, and for two weeks, I didn’t write at all.

In those first two weeks I wrote 20,623 words. I guess that’s something. Plus this past weekend I wrote a chapter I feel really good about.

Anyway, just had to get that out there, because I felt like I couldn’t post another blog until I fessed up. Hence the weeks of silence.

Um… there’s always next year?

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