The Den of Slack

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Puzzle house — playing around in the yard

Yesterday I received my recent order from The Vintage Dollhouse, a shop in Houston that’s (unfortunately) closing out their half scale merchandise. One of the items I ordered was the metal mailbox in the picture below. I wasn’t sure if it would look weird to have the mailbox inside of the fence, but now that I tried it out, I think it’s okay. I’m planning to paint it this weekend (plus I also have to finish painting the picket fence).

Thinking the porch was a little too tall for half scale people to leap onto, I added a front step.

Here are two possible options for a path. If I use the bricks I’ll paint them a lighter color. Still thinking about it… I’m not really in love with either of these. (Then again, I wasn’t in love with the picket fence and arbor at first, either, and they’re growing on me!)

Puzzle house landscaping — getting started

Over the past few weeks I’ve been collecting fake flowers to landscape the puzzle house, and today I made the first few plants. Click here for a close-up.

I want this garden to have more of an autumn color scheme than the Fairfield’s pinks and purples, so I’ve been looking for more subdued foliage. I found some great orange and yellow flowers at Ben Franklin’s, plus two “potted plants” at the Dollar Tree that have nice small leaves. (For some unknown reason they’re also covered with fine white hairs, but these are easy enough to remove by running the leaves under hot water, or even just scraping them off with a fingernail.)

Ever since I made the tree, I’ve envisioned a park bench underneath it. I got this one off eBay. It’s a Dept. 56 accessory and I think the scale looks about right. I’m not crazy about the color, and might paint the slats to match the trim on the house. (Or maybe not. I’m not exactly patient when it comes to painting tiny pieces…) I’m discovering that the various Christmas collectible villages are really good sources of appropriately-sized landscaping supplies—outdoor pieces like fences, paths, walls, trees, etc.—at much lower prices than half scale equivalents.

I made a trellis to hang on the side of the house. Haven’t decided yet what to put on it. It might look nice with climbing vines and roses… but then again, you always see trellises with roses on them. For now I just stuck a grassy piece in there to see how it would look.

I’m going back and forth on whether I should add a picket fence and arbor to the front of the house. I love the idea of it, but in reality it might be too cramped. I’ve got a birdhouse kit to assemble, and also a mailbox that goes on a post, and I’m planning to add a front step and probably a path of some sort. It might all turn out to be too much.

The fence and arbor are Lemax pieces and they were super cheap, so it’s not a huge loss if I don’t end up using them. If I do use them, I’ll paint them to match the house trim.

In other half scale news, I finally finished the balcony on the Fairfield. Painting the railing pieces took about four hours, and it was NOT fun. But it sure does look pretty. (And it’s no longer a safety hazard!)

King Graham, is it really you?!

Okay, so way back in the days of my youth, I was a huge fan of King’s Quest. (Still am, though somewhat closeted. Heh.) Sometime around the early part of this century, though, Sierra was sold to Big Corporate America and it looked like we’d seen the last of King Graham. AGD Interactive did a couple of great fan projects that rekindled the spark, but a NEW King’s Quest game seemed, well, bloody unlikely. That’s what happens when you grow up—the stuff you loved as a kid fades away.

So imagine my excitement today when Phoenix Online Studios announced that The Silver Lining, a King’s Quest fan project they’ve been working on since 2004, is finally going to see the light of day. They’ve reached an agreement with Activision, the latest in a series of companies to acquire the King’s Quest license, to release their project as a free episodic series, with the first episode coming July 10.

In The Silver Lining, players will assume the role of King Graham as he sets out on a quest to save his children, Rosella and Alexander, from a mysterious curse. The episodes will be released as free downloads from “We played about 20 minutes of the first chapter, and now I’m dying to know how the story unfolds (…) this game nails it by feeling like a true heir to the throne,” said Joystiq in a recent preview of the game.
Phoenix Online Studios press release

Sam & Max fans had their “OMG, it’s really coming back?!” moment in 2005. Monkey Island fans, last June. I was happy for them, but in a sort of on-the-outside-looking-in way. Because, yes, I’m an adventure gamer—but I’m also a Sierra fan. I honestly thought that moment would never come for me.

Today it came. And I’m giddy like a kid on Christmas Eve.

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