
Tag: Half scale (Page 19 of 21)

Rosedale assembly complete!

I finished assembling the Rosedale this week. Before gluing in the third floor and attic, I cut the wallpaper and ceiling pieces that would to go inside. It was much easier to figure out the shapes with the parts unassembled, particularly the angled wings and attic. A few weeks ago, I assembled the big room […]

Of stairways and ceilings

Before continuing with the Rosedale’s assembly, I needed to cut a hole for the second floor staircase, and to do that I needed to buy some teeny tiny saw blades for the Dremel tool. These came from Micro-Mark, and they weren’t cheap, but they’re exactly what I needed. I haven’t used the Dremel much and […]

Rosedale assembly, third floor

Since I’m adding a third story that wasn’t in the original design, the slanted roof pieces needed to be cut to meet the third floor walls at a right angle. I also needed to create side walls. Since the right wall hadn’t been used yet from either kit, I modified these by cutting off the […]

Rosedale assembly, from the ground up

My dry fit gave me a good idea of how to move forward with the Rosedale. The time has come for the permanence of glue. I started by putting together the new wing. Since there aren’t tabs and slots to connect these pieces to the main house, assembling the wing independently before attaching it to […]

Rosedale dry fit (part 2)

And now… part 2 of the great Rosedale dry fit adventure! Last time I got the first and second floors mostly figured out. Before moving onto the third floor, I decided to add a porch door to one of the small rooms on the second floor, to access the balcony. I thought about bashing the […]

Rosedale dry fit (part 1)

With the Rosedale stairs built, it’s now time to figure out how this house will fit together. I’m calling this “part 1” because I haven’t begun to fit together the new third story and roof yet. For now, here’s the progress I made this afternoon on the first and second floors. No glue yet, just […]

Stairways to nowhere

The Rosedale has a really cute stairway. I like how it has a landing and then turns the corner, and also how the stairs are tucked out of the way, like in a real house. Since I’m bashing two Rosedales together, I have an extra set of stairs, so I decided to add them to […]

The Great Rosedale Bash

Last year Greenleaf released a slew of half scale laser cut house kits. I’ve been dying to try them out, but none of the designs really appealed to me. I’m generally not a fan of frilly houses (the Fairfield excepted) so I was eyeing the Rosedale, but I didn’t like that it only had four […]

Infinite possibilities, indeed!

I’ve been limping along on the Infinite Possibilities Porch… mostly because the color choices are driving me crazy. I initially wanted a periwinkle blue house with some kind of peachy trim and a reddish door. Glidden’s color coding led me to believe that all of these colors would work well together. But alas, it was […]

Infinite Possibilities Porch in half scale

Yep, that’s really what this kit is called. I’m not sure a porch can truly have infinite possibilities, especially when it’s made out of MDF, which as I’m discovering is infinitely (heh) more difficult to bash than a plywood kit. But I’m getting ahead of myself… Miniatures.com’s photo of the finished project. I had a […]

Half scale issue of the Greenleaf Gazette

My 1:12 Greenleaf Arthur next to the 1:24 puzzle house Greenleaf, my favorite dollhouse manufacturer, sent out their monthly newsletter this week. It’s a special themed issue all about half scale and includes an article by yours truly. You can check it out here. The newsletter includes a 20% off coupon for Greenleaf’s online store, […]

A trellis for the puzzle house

Earlier in the summer I finished the garden for my puzzle house—all except the trellis. I wasn’t sure how to make it look like it had vines woven through it without adding too much bulk to the back to attach it to the house. Yesterday, with my mom’s help, I did the deed… and it […]

Peanut butter and jelly, together again

Back in April, after I built a pantry for the Fairfield, I mini-splurged on half scale jars of Skippy peanut butter and Welch’s grape jelly. I usually don’t buy foodstuffs because with a scanner and a color printer, they’re easy to make, but these came in cute little jars, and I was excited about the […]

Puzzle house garden completed

I actually finished this up over Fourth of July weekend, but forgot to post the pictures. Oops. I really liked the trim my dad added to the base of the Fairfield and I wanted to do the same for the puzzle house. Geoff helped with the cutting and mitering. The base is a bit thicker […]

Puzzle house path — third time’s a charm

The other day I was mulling over puzzle house path ideas, but wasn’t crazy about either one. Yesterday I came up with a third option that’s a winner—”flagstones” made out of egg carton material. I’ve heard of people using egg cartons to make miniature bricks and stones, but this is my first time trying it. […]

Puzzle house — playing around in the yard

Yesterday I received my recent order from The Vintage Dollhouse, a shop in Houston that’s (unfortunately) closing out their half scale merchandise. One of the items I ordered was the metal mailbox in the picture below. I wasn’t sure if it would look weird to have the mailbox inside of the fence, but now that […]

Puzzle house landscaping — getting started

Over the past few weeks I’ve been collecting fake flowers to landscape the puzzle house, and today I made the first few plants. Click here for a close-up. I want this garden to have more of an autumn color scheme than the Fairfield’s pinks and purples, so I’ve been looking for more subdued foliage. I […]

A tree grows in Puzzleland…

Today I made a tree to go outside my puzzle house. I used a bare Lemax tree that I bought on clearance years ago and the “foliage” left over from the Fairfield’s shrubbery. The tree is from the Sugar ‘n Spice line, which means it’s supposed to look like candy. It started out white and […]

Puzzle house interior, all trimmed up

I have always envisioned the puzzle house as a country cottage with hardwood floors throughout. Last weekend I bought coffee stirrers to use for the floors. The skinny stick hardwoods I did in the Fairfield just seemed too thick and clunky. To my surprise, I couldn’t find wooden stirrers at Costco, Staples, Target, or the […]

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