The Den of Slack

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I feel violated

I love looking at Google Analytics to see what search terms people type in to land on my site. The keywords are usually pretty obvious (“emily morganti blog” for example), or have something to do with dollhouses (“tomy dollhouse” and “christmas roombox” crop up a lot). Back when I was complaining about my crappy experience with a Chase late fee, I got a lot of visits from people trying to hunt down Kelly Hanick, Chase’s customer service guy. Et cetera.

Okay, those all make sense. Even searches like “a puzzle that puts a house together” and “adopt a pet like emely” make sense, in a wonky internet kind of way. But what happened today does not make sense, because today someone found this site by searching for “daddy sniffed my panties.”


Of course, upon seeing this, the first thing I did was type that phrase into Google to see what happened. The search returned so many pages of porn I couldn’t even find my website among them until I restricted the search to this site only. As it turns out, Google thinks that a short story I wrote, Story of O, is a decent match for that phrase. Not because it contains the exact phrase (which it doesn’t), but because it contains, at various points in the text, the words “daddy” and “my” and “pants.”

So I guess I should apologize to whoever it was who waded through all those pages of porn to land on my short story—which in spite of having the same title as an erotic novel and being a tad racy, is not porn, and depicts neither daddies nor panty sniffing.

(I can’t wait to see what happens to my search traffic after I post this blog entry…)

The cost of dog ownership

Before getting Rosy, I wondered how much it cost to get a dog. Well, now I know. In our first month of dog ownership, we have spent $850.23.

Wow, you must be thinking. You must really be spoiling your dog. Actually, not so much. Of course a lot of this expense is made up of big purchases that we won’t be making every month. But it is kind of amazing how quickly it all adds up.

  • The Marin Humane Society’s adoption fee for adult dogs is $150. It sounds like a lot, but this is extremely reasonable compared to the price of getting a dog from a breeder and even from other shelters in the area. (Adoption fees do tend to fluctuate based on the dog’s age. MHS charges $225 for puppies, and only $65 for dogs who are older than eight.)
  • The day we brought Rosy home, we spent $126.09 at the Humane Society’s shop on necessary supplies—a crate for her to sleep in and a soft fleecy thing to put inside the crate, a SENSE-ation harness for walks (regular collars aren’t the best for walking little dogs like Chihuahuas), some treats, a Kong, and a squeaky toy. This included a 15% discount that the Humane Society gives you on the day you adopt.
  • Licensing a dog costs $12 in Marin County (annually). This is cheaper than I expected, considering how much it costs to register a car…
  • Our first vet visit clocked in at $107.63. The visit itself only cost fifty bucks—again, pretty damn cheap when you consider a medical professional spent half an hour in a room with us, examining the dog and answering our questions. (When’s the last time your personal doctor did that?!) The rest of the money was for a 6-month supply of heartworm medication and a 2-month supply of multivitamins.
  • As we began to wean Rosy off the Science Diet she was fed at the shelter (they gave us a generous Ziplock bag of it to take home with us), we picked up a six pound bag of Innova dog food for $16.57. It’s high-end food, but hey, she only weighs ten pounds. It’s going to take two or three months to go through it.
  • We signed up for obedience class at the Humane Society for $98. The normal price is $140; we got a discount since we adopted her there.
  • About $105 went to a baby gate and Precision pen to keep the dog out of certain parts of the house. (Added bonus, the pen had free shipping at!)
  • I spent $8.38 on a bottle of dog shampoo and about $15 on a PediPaws nail trimmer—both of which turned out to be useless, because she’s terrified of the nail trimmer and even more terrified of getting bathed. So we spent an additional $25 on a trip to the groomer for a bath and pedicure (which turned out to be some of the best money we spent all month!) We’ll probably be bringing her back there every six weeks or so.
  • K9-Advantix, treatment for fleas and ticks, cost $72.03 for a 6-month supply at the Humane Society store. That’s actually a great price. It’s just expensive stuff.
  • The bone-shaped ID tag she wears on her collar cost $8.18 at PetCo. That seemed a bit excessive to me. (On the plus side, you get to watch the machine engrave it right before your eyes… kind of like an old-timey boardwalk attraction.) And the bone-shaped one was the cheapest option. For a few bucks more, I we could have gotten a heart-shaped tag embedded with pink rhinestones. Um, no thanks.
  • The remaining $78 paid for leashes, toys, tennis balls, rawhide chewies and bully sticks, and a pop-up kennel that straps into the seat of the car (and she refuses to get in).

We could have gone overboard on that last bullet, but tried to be pretty frugal. Rather than buying a pet bed for every room, she gets to lounge on oversized pillows that we already had covered with blankets that we also already had. Her water and food bowls came out of the cabinet. It’s a little surprising that the random toys and stuff you spoil your dog with is such a small slice of the total expenses, since that’s where it would be so easy to go crazy. Even so, I’m on a toy-buying freeze until she decimates some of the existing toys…

One expense that we thankfully didn’t have to pay for was the surgery she had in October to set a broken leg. She jumped off a bed while in the San Quentin foster care program and had a plate installed. A few weeks later, the plate had to be replaced with another one. That’s a few thousand dollars of work right there. I’m looking into pet insurance options (which will cost about $20/month from now to eternity) but unfortunately, any problems she has down the road related to that specific injury—like, say, the plate needing to be replaced again—will probably be considered a pre-existing condition. (Yep, they use that excuse with dogs, too!) Since we got her from a shelter, she’s already microchipped and spayed, and has had all of her shots. So those were other initial expenses we didn’t have to pick up.

Don’t get me wrong—I’m thrilled to have her, and every time I took out my credit card to pay for one of these things, I didn’t even blink. It wasn’t until I saw the first-month tally that I sort of blinked a little. And then I thought, Wow, I had no idea it cost that much to adopt a dog. And then I thought other people might be curious about how much it costs. So now you know. Half the battle, and all that.

Sunbathing with a bone

Am I going to turn into one of those people who shows off pictures of her dog at every opportunity? Yes, it would appear that I am.

It’s rained almost constantly since we brought Rosy home, but yesterday during a few rare hours of sunlight, we brought her outside for a warm nap. This dog is always shivery cold and usually sleeps curled up in a tiny ball. Not in the sun!

Lucky for her, in a couple of months the weather’s going to heat up and stay that way for a long, long time…

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