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Reality check from the LA Times

Maybe I picked the wrong time to get into this business.

Freelance Writing’s Unfortunate New Model was printed in the LA Times yesterday, taking a look at the current state of freelance writing. It talks about how well-paying journalism jobs are scarce and all people want to pay for these days are short, SEO-friendly articles for the web that regurgitate content that’s already out there.

This is disturbing for someone who’s trying to make a living as a writer, to be sure. But I found it disturbing from another perspective as well—that of the person who likes to hear about interesting news developments and make connections the government / big business / whoever else is involved don’t necessarily want me to make.

A snippet from the article:

“There are a lot of stories that are being missed, not just at legacy newspapers and TV stations but in the freelance world,” said Nick Martin, 27, laid off a year ago by the East Valley Tribune in Mesa, Ariz., and now a freelancer. “A lot of publications used to be able to pay freelancers to do really solid investigations. There’s just not much of that going on anymore.”

Another writer, based in Los Angeles, said she has been troubled by the lighter fare that many websites prefer to drive up traffic. A new take on any youth obsessions (“Put ‘Twilight’ in the headline, get paid”) has much more chance of winning editorial approval than more complex or substantive material.

The rank of stories unwritten — like most errors of omission — is hard to conceive. Even those inside journalism can only guess at what stories they might have paid for, if they had more money.

So there are two problems here. One, the people with the money would rather use it to pay for short, fluffy pieces that are guaranteed to pull up their site on a search engine (regardless of the actual content) than in-depth features. Never mind that it doesn’t take a ton of skill to write some of this stuff, and it definitely doesn’t require much research or put an emphasis on getting your facts straight. And two, crazy things are happening in the world that we may never hear about since no one’s writing about them.

I don’t think good writing will ever really go away, although this article sure makes it sound like the ability to support oneself off of it is becoming much tougher than it used to be (as a journalist, anyway). But I am increasingly bothered by the dangerous way the Internet and the news play together. (Um, Balloon Boy?) Just because something was posted online doesn’t make it true. News outlets don’t always seem to realize this. Fact checking and research have gone out the window in the interest of getting the story out there quickly. And the writers who make their living bringing news to light via well-written, well-researched feature articles might be the casualties.

Fish scale shingle how-to in February issue of Miniature Collector

An article I wrote for Miniature Collector, entitled “Cheap & Easy Fish Scale Shingles,” will appear in their February issue. I received my sample copies a few days ago and I’m guessing the issue will show up for subscribers in the next week or two, so if you subscribe, keep an eye out!

This article describes a step-by-step process for making decorative fish scale shingles out of posterboard, like I did on the sides of my Fairfield. I learned this technique from Pam Junk, who suggested it to me when I was complaining that my Fairfield was looking… well… too green. Cutting out the shingles is a bit of a chore, but these are a lot quicker to apply than individual shingles, and from a cost perspective it’s a no-brainer.

This is my second article for Miniature Collector. The first came out back in 2006 (before I was freelancing for a living) and gave instructions for making miniature books by scanning the covers of life-sized books. Scott Publications gave me permission to post that article as a writing sample, so you can view a PDF there if you’re interested. I hope to write more for them in the future.

Update, Sunday afternoon: I went to the dollhouse store today on an emergency trim mission, and the the February issue is in stock now.

Teeny, tiny plants

My mom and I made these mini plants yesterday. The two in the terra cotta pots will go in the half scale conservatory she’s working on, and the arrangement in the vase is for either my Fairfield or my puzzle house, haven’t decided yet.

We bought the orchids, roses, pots, and vase at Dollhouses, Trains, and More. The flowers cost around $1 each (the price varied a little depending on the type of flower). They weren’t marked as half scale but by holding them up against the half scale vase, we were able to pick flowers that looked about the right size. Then we picked up some plastic flowers and grass at the Dollar Store.

The fern-like leaves were made by cutting slits into small pieces of “grass.” For the flower arrangement, I used super glue to attach wires to the leaves, then stuck them (along with the pre-made roses and a sprig of purple) into a tiny ball of clay shoved down into the vase. The clay is air drying, so in theory it will harden and hold everything in place.

The leaves for this fern were made the same way. My mom squirted tacky glue into the pot to hold the leaves and flower in place. We topped it off with coffee grounds to look like soil.

These leaves were cut from the leafy part of the purple Dollar Store flowers. This one has glue in the pot to hold the leaves in as well, but the orchids kept slumping over so we stuck them into a bead of clay and pushed that down into the pot. The clay helps the orchids stand up straight and it also pushed the leaves up against the inside of the pot so they didn’t slide around while it dried. The soil is again made from coffee grounds.

This was a quick project that only took about an hour. I have tons of the purple flowers and grass left over, so I’ll probably be making more of these at some point…

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