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Scribblenauts, as reviewed by me

Adventure Gamers has just posted a feature I wrote about Scribblenauts, a unique game that released this fall for Nintendo DS.

I don’t really remember the big uproar Scribblenauts received at E3 this year. I was closed up in a small meeting room most of the time demoing Telltale’s Tales of Monkey Island, which had made a surprise appearance at the show, to the shock and amazement of pretty much everyone. (The fourth episode releases today, btw!) But when I returned to reality at the end of the week, I started hearing about this incredible game—positioned as an “emergent” game by its developers, 5th Cell— that would allow the player to conjure up any object they could think of, to solve puzzles. It sounded like Harold and the Purple Crayon meets Zork meets a game I can play lying on the couch (which is my favorite type these days), and my interest was piqued.

At Comic-Con and PAX I tried to get a look at Scribblenauts, but at both shows the crowd around the demo kiosk was so thick, I decided to be patient and wait for the release—which I would devour as soon as I possibly could. So of course when Adventure Gamers offered me the opportunity to cover the game, I jumped for it. (I even shelled out my own money since a review copy wasn’t available—that’s dedication!)

The game arrived in the mail while my parents were visiting, and thinking my mom might be as intrigued by the unusual premise as everyone else in the world seemed to be, I started playing it with her. We got through the tutorial, then the first few stages, then we hit a stage where the instructions were utterly vague. Maxwell was at the beginning of some sort of race, and we had to figure out how to speed him down the ramp so he could perform a jump and cross the finish line. We tried a bicycle, then a motorcycle. Rather than speeding gracefully down the ramp, he slowed down until he did a somersault and anticlimactically came to rest before hitting the jump. We tried sprinkling motor oil on the track to make it slippery. We tried equipping Maxwell with a jet pack. After a bit of tinkering, my mother turned to me and said, “Do you think this is fun?” She clearly didn’t.

I picked it up again later that night, flying solo this time. I finally managed to win that race but I have no idea how. A few stages later, I got some giddy pleasure out of knocking down a stack of milk bottles by dropping a hippopotamus on them and thought maybe that confusing level had been a fluke. Maybe I’d get used to the hard-to-handle controls. Maybe after a bit more time, I’d understand what made this game so brilliant, it had the press all aflutter at E3 and beyond.

Or maybe not.

What did we do without the internet?

I vaguely remember this commercial from my childhood, I think it was for the Yellow Pages. It showed a car driving down the road, with disco music playing in the background, and talked about how you’re on your way to get a funky refrigerator for your funky new apartment, and it’s only available at some funky store that’s an hour away, and when you get there you find that they have it… in avocado-green only. Then the car drives back the other way, and the commercial asks all those time-conscious consumers at home, wringing their hands and fretting over this perceived injustice, “Don’t you wish you’d called first?”

This afternoon, I was that guy. I spent two hours driving around looking for a book. Two hours. It started off simple enough. I’m taking a literature class at the local community college and we had our first meeting today. The teacher listed off four books we will be reading and said that all four were in stock at the independent bookstore across the street from the campus. So, when class ended, I headed over.

As it turned out, only three of the four books were in stock. The fourth, a short story collection named Twilight of the Superheroes by Deborah Eisenberg, had just sold out.* The woman behind the counter offered to order it for me, but since this is the first book we’ll be discussing and I need to finish it by next Thursday, I said no thanks, I’d look elsewhere.

Before I go any further with this (admittedly mundane) account, I feel like I should explain why didn’t I just buy the books from Amazon ahead of time. One, because this is the third class I’ve attempted to take at this particular school, and the first two were unceremoniously canceled the day before the class was supposed to start. With that track record, I honestly didn’t know until this morning whether I’d actually be sitting in a class this afternoon. And two, because I have a silly love affair with walking into a bookstore and plunking down a wad of cash for a pile of smooth, shiny, brand new books. Most of the time, I won’t let myself do it. I troll the aisles at Goodwill, I make earnest use of my library card, and yes, I take advantage of Amazon’s discounts and free shipping. I am one of those terrible people who’s putting independent booksellers out of business… ironically, the very same independent booksellers I pray to god will still be around in a year or two when (fingers crossed) my labor of love is on the shelves. I can’t afford to buy brand new full priced books all the time, but I can afford to do it once in a while, and when I’m taking a class it’s a lot easier to justify.

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A couple of half scale projects

I’ve been woefully neglectful of my puzzle house these past few weeks (those shingles took a lot out of me!), but I do have a couple of smaller half scale projects to show off.

I scratch built these ladderback chairs using 2-inch Houseworks spindles and strip wood. I got the idea for the woven seats from Dollhouse Style by Kath Dalmeny. I’m happy with how they turned out and am planning to write a tutorial in the near future showing how to make them yourself, so stay tuned for that.

Last night I finished up a miniature carpet that I have been stitching for the past few months. The pattern is freely available from Dancing Violet Needlework Designs. They recommend stitching it on 18-count fabric but I wanted it a bit smaller so I used 35-count. (Okay, that makes it 50% smaller.) The finished size is approximately 3 inches by 4.25 inches, which would be 6 feet by 8.5 feet in a half scale house. I still need to add fringe to the edges, which I think I’ll do by attaching frayed ribbon or fabric to the bottom.

I’m not sure where I’ll use it yet, but I think it looks pretty good in the dining room of the Fairfield.

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