The Den of Slack

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My mini workshop

In January 2009, Geoff and I moved into a new house that has a basement room perfect for a dollhouse workshop. In fact, the very first time we saw the house, I was envisioning my minis in there! It was a bit of a mess for the first several months after we moved in, but we recently cleaned it up, and I took some pictures before I had a chance to mess it up again. Here’s what it looks like (and what I’m working on) as of June 2009.

Built-in desk with a nice big workspace, and plenty of storage:

The workshop has a sink! Which is good, because I make lots of messes…

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Fairfield – finished!

After years (literally) of letting my Fairfield languish in an almost-done state, I have put on the finishing touches! (On the outside, anyway.) Siding and shingles are all up, trim has been attached, porch posts have been glued in. Okay, there are a few things that remain to be done… like the upper porch railing, the cap on the chimney, and the front step. But it looks so pretty and I’m so happy to be “done,” I figured I’d post a picture now, anyway.

Now I just have to finish the inside…

Fairfield – fishscale shingles

On the suggestion of my friend Pam Junk, I decided to add fishscale shingles to make the house a little more interesting. (They’ll also cover up some defects in the less-than-perfect paint job…) Rather than use the Houseworks wooden shingles, which come as individual pieces, I am cutting strips from posterboard. These will be glued onto the bottoms of the bay windows and the top of the pointy walls.

After the paint dries, I’ll glue these strips on over the siding.

I started with shingles on the bay windows, since those would be easier than the ones on the tops of the walls (they’ll go under the eaves of the roof). I will have to cut out a lot more paper strips before I’ll be ready to do those!


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