I’m working on the Cassidy Creations Federal fireplace wall, a very complex kit that has taken three weekends so far and *might* be done tomorrow… but might not. I know, I know, you’re on the edge of your seat! Here’s a quick post to tide you over.
Last week I bought a lot of half scale items on eBay and they arrived today. These pieces belonged to the seller’s mother, who had intended to build a house in a roll-top bread box. I should mention that I already own at least half of these pieces, but you know how it is with half scale… scarcity drives us to hoard! (That is what it drives “us” to do, right…? Not just me?!) And there were a few special pieces in the lot that made it worthwhile.
The four-poster bed, trestle table with benches, wooden cabinet, and rocking chair are Shenandoah. The other bed and the blanket chest are assembled Cassidy Creations kits.
This picture shows the pieces that drove me to buy this lot. The dry sink and icebox are made by Bill & Leona Goldsberry. The pie safe is the same as this one currently available from Bauder Pine. The signature on the bottom looks like GaGodfrey. I’d love to know the artist’s full name, if anyone knows.