The Den of Slack

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Orchid – kitchen

In early 2003 I bought a bunch of Shenendoah kits (now owned by Houseworks) in order to make a kitchen island like one I saw in a 1997 issue of Dollhouse Miniatures. After almost a year of cluttering up my own kitchen in varying stages of put-togetherness, they have finally been finished!

Here they are, painted and waiting to be attached to each other.

I wanted this kitchen to have all the modern conveniences… including a dishwasher! There’s nothing uglier than a little person with dishpan hands…

I used pieces of basswood between each cabinet so they’d fit snug in the space against the wall. The floor and backsplash are made from “Spanish tile” paper from What’s Next, which I bought from HBS.

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Orchid – living room & laundry

The living room, like the rest of the house, originally had white walls. But after a few months I decided I wanted to jazz it up a little bit. I wanted a modern look and couldn’t find any wallpaper I liked, so I started looking at scrapbooking paper. I finally found this green paper I liked at Ben Franklin. It reminds me of the green paint on the walls at a gorgeous apartment I saw recently (which, unfortunately, was rented to someone else…)

I will be painting the door white, and adding trim around the doorways and window. I’m also going to add crown molding and baseboards.

[Note from the future: At some point I decided I disliked the original door and started to replace it, but never actually finished that particular project…]

Once I’m done with the trim, I will be adding curtains to the window and doorway into the kitchen. I saw some curtain rods I liked in the Pottery Barn catalog (the type with decorative ball thingies on the ends) and decided to make my own with beads.

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Orchid – bedroom & bathroom

The bedroom was the first room I decorated when I finished the house, and nothing’s really changed since then. I am planning to put some trim up on the seams of the wall joints. I’m also going to make a Chrysnbon rocking chair for this room.

Lo and behold, the bathroom has been papered! After months of putting it off, I finally made a last minute decision to use this green scrapbooking paper. Tried two other colors before this and was about to rip out the floor and replace it with something else when I realized this green, which I was planning to use in the Contemporary Ranch (should I ever get around to building it), would look nice here. The “shelf” around the room is crown molding. I got the idea to use it that way after seeing something similar in the Pottery Barn catalog.

I added a back “wall” under the window because it looked weird to have the tub / shower up against the sloped roof.

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