The Den of Slack

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Orchid – December update

I’ve been painting window casings. The outside casings are red, and I’ve decided to do the inside ones blue… the same blue as the exterior of the house. There’s a method to this madness. The French doors that will lead into the conservatory addition will be blue, because the conservatory itself is blue. It would be hard to paint the door half blue (the side facing the conservatory) and half white (facing into the house)… at least, hard for someone who has trouble staying inside the lines, which I do. So I figured I’d do the window and door casings blue as well, and have a nice white-and-blue theme.

Here are the exterior window casings for the front of the house. There are actually a few more pieces (like those corner blocks that I didn’t paint) that I’m leaving off to make the house less cutsey.

I also finished painting and assembling the front door. It isn’t attached until later in the process, but here it is in all its glory…

Hopefully, you won’t be able to see the white (interior) paint when the door is standing up. It’s hard to tell from this picture, but the photo album material I used to make the windows seems to be working fine.

Orchid – November update

No pictures today, but a quick update. Over the weekend I spent some time with Geoff at the hangar. It was the first trip in a month because he’s been working weekends. I put wood filler in the “cracks” of the windows on the sides of the house that I’m not punching out.

I got some Krazy glue and used that to glue the plastic stuff to the windows. It seems to have done the trick but I’m still a little worried the plastic may be too flimsy. And finally, I put a coat of blue paint on the two side walls. All the exterior walls will probably need one more coat before I start assembling. I started painting an interior wall white, then realized it would be quicker (and probably look better) if I “paper” the walls with stiff white paper instead. This is how we did the walls and ceilings in my first dollhouse and I think it looks pretty good. Plus one of the interior walls has a big ugly knot in it that’s not going to be covered up, no matter how much paint I use. So, I’ll be making another trip to Staples in the near future…

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Orchid – October update

Geoff’s been busy building an airplane (really!), so I got inspired to start working on the unassembled dollhouse that had been sitting around for years. He set up a card table for me in a corner of his hangar. Then I saw how much fun he had putting his airplane progress up on the web and decided to be a copycat. Hey, it’s not about originality… it’s about whoever has the most toys when they die. Or so I’m told.

Initially, I planned to cobble these three components together. These are not my finished pieces… I “borrowed” the pictures from [Note from the future: I ultimately decided to leave the garage for another project, because it’s a bit too big to look good next to the house.]

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