The Den of Slack

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Stained glass window for the Seaside Villa

As I mentioned when I made the half height windows for the back of the Seaside Villa, I bought a laser cut mullion to go in the bathroom window. The front of the house has a nice stained glass door that I bought off eBay and I thought it would be nice to make this a complementary stained glass window.

The design of the window mullion reminds me of waves (but maybe it’s supposed to be a plant? I really don’t know). I started by “painting” both sides of the wood black with a Sharpie.

I used dabs of super glue around the edges to attach the acrylic to the mullion.

The glue shows through the plastic, but those dots are hidden by the window frame.

Next I added the Gallery Glass. The mullion is deeper than lead lines would be and I had to use a lot of paint to fill up the spaces. I used two shades of blue for the waves, purple for the tendrils coming off the waves, and white for the curved undersides of the waves (I hoped they would look like the froth in the ocean). I wasn’t sure what to do with the diamond pattern so I used Crystal Clear there (it looks white until it dries).

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History of the Visalian dollhouse

The Visalian, upon which my 1:24 scale Seaside Villa is based, was modeled after a real house in Visalia, California, that burned down in the early 1980s. After my first post about the dollhouse, I was contacted by Judy Lewin, the owner of Mill Creek Miniatures and a former Visalia resident who researched the house in the Visalia library. She was kind enough to send me the info she has, and told me it’s okay to share.

Photo provided by Judy Lewin, photographer unknown

The Hilliard House

The house was built by L. D. Hilliard [Lorenzo Dow, nicknamed “Renzi”], in the early 1900s:

The farm consists of two hundred and forty acres on the Mineral King road, about five miles east of Visalia, where he has made all the improvements, putting up substantial barns and outbuildings, and in 1904 built a nine-room, two-story residence which adds no little value to the property. This is conceded to be one of the finest farm-houses in the vicinity, while other improvements are in keeping. His herds number among them good graded stock, and Mr. Hilliard has ably demonstrated the fact that he understands the work with which he has been so long and so profitably connected. … Near Exeter, Tulare county, September 3, 1884, Mr. Hilliard was united in marriage with Laura B. Teague, who was born in that vicinity, a daughter of John Teague, of Exeter. They are the parents of two children, Carroll Arthur and Effie Elizabeth.

History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the San Joaquin Valley, California

As newspaper columnist Joe Doctor recalled of a visit to the property, the house was located “at what was then known as Hilliard’s Corner, across the road from Deep Creek school and beside what was then known as Mineral King Highway but is now Highway 198.” You can read his memories of Renzi Hilliard and daughter Effie (whose married name was Strobridge) in a column that Judy transcribed from a faded photocopy.

The original cost of the house was around $1,300.

Photo by Bill Dillberg, used with permission from Historic Happenings

Renzi’s daughter Effie was 92 years old and living alone in the house when it burned down in 1983. From another document Judy transcribed:

Fire officials said Mrs. Strobridge was warming a robe next to a range when the robe caught fire. She extinguished the fire in a sink and put the garment on a cushion, but soon saw the cushion smouldering. She took the cushion outside to extinguish the fire with a garden hose. Thinking the fire was out she placed the cushion on the back porch to dry.

Later Mrs. Strobridge observed that the side of the house was ablaze and attempted to put it out with the garden hose.

… The material in the lovely old home, dried from eight decades of San Joaquin valley summers, had roared into uncontrollable flames. The damage was total. Estimated loss was $200,000 to the house [and] $100,000 to the contents, many of which were antique.

The Visalian Dollhouse

The Hilliard house was still standing when Visalia woodworker Howard Hill recreated it in 1:12 scale. The N.A.M.E. magazine Miniature Gazette ran a cover story about the Visalian and Hill’s company, One of a Kind Wood Shop, in their Fall 1982 issue.

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Bashed back door, windows, and sunburst pediments

The other day I used the word “bashed” in conversation and the person I was talking to didn’t know what I meant. In case you’re not familiar, “bash” is short for “kitbash,” which is a phrase I first read in Nutshell News back in the nineties, and I’m sure it was around before then. It means modifying a kit or other component to use it in a way it wasn’t originally intended. I bring this up because today’s post is all bashing — a necessity in half scale, since our options for 1:24 windows and doors are so limited.

I recently finished the siding on the front of the Seaside Villa, but I couldn’t do the back wall until I figured out what windows and doors to use, in case the holes needed to be enlarged or en-smalled. The Majestic Mansions windows I’m using on the front of the house are pricey and also seemed a bit fancy for the back, so I decided not to go that route.

The door hole was about the right size for a Houseworks 4-panel exterior door. I like the idea of that, but I’m not a big fan of that particular door, which is flat on the inside and has raised panels on the outside. I wanted a back door with a window in it, which is incidentally available in 1:12 scale, but the only 1:24 Houseworks door with a window in it like that is the Palladian.

As luck would have it, I had a Palladian door. I removed the door and put the frame aside for some future project. (I have a door left over from another bashing escapade that I think will fit in the Palladian frame.)

I made a door frame to fit in the existing hole.

The transom is 5/16″ tall. I made a spacer out of scrap wood to ensure the bottom piece glued in straight.

And here it is with trim. I still need to add some pieces of wood to divide the transom up into panes, but I want to paint them before gluing them in, so I’ll add those later. Same with pin-hinging the door.

The 1:12 version of the Seaside Villa has half height windows on the back, and I wanted to do the same on my house. These rooms are going to be a bathroom and a laundry room, so they don’t really need full sized windows. Houseworks offers a four-light window, but it wasn’t the look I wanted.

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